Infamous Freedom Tower Silver Dollars - new virtual exhibit

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by dcarr, Nov 25, 2006.

  1. dcarr

    dcarr Mint-Master

    I've received numerous inquires requesting inside information regarding the "Freedom Tower Silver Dollar" coins and related items. That's because I had something to do with the creation of them, unfortunately. So rather than repeating my self over and over again, I've put together a virtual exhibit that illustrates the different issues (and there are more different varieties than most people are aware of).

    Freedom Tower Silver Dollars - virtual exhibit:

    PS: I do not buy or sell these, except on occasion when trying to acquire one of each type or to dispose of duplicate samples.
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  3. eddyk

    eddyk New-mismatist

    I'm not sure if anyone remembers my thread 'Skyscrapers on Coins'

    Also the design of the Freedom tower on the coins is not the one that's being built.

    So they're pretty stupid, you will end up with a building on a 'coin' that's never going to be built.
  4. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

    I disagreed with NCM's marketing campaign that was associated with these items, but it's still a nice design, Daniel. You do very good work and I like all your designs especially many of the State Quarter designs that were not chosen. You're very imaginative and EXTREMELY talented!

    I really liked your proposals for the SAC Dollars. Did you create any proposals for the new Presidential Dollar series?

    Keep up the good work!!!
  5. bruce 1947

    bruce 1947 Support Or Troops

    That is a beautiful coin the art work is just wonderful a great design :thumb:
  6. dcarr

    dcarr Mint-Master

    Thanks. Yes I did create some concept president dollars. But I was contracted to design them by a private company, so they will be in charge of unveiling/releasing them.
  7. eddyk

    eddyk New-mismatist

    Could you make a coin with me on it? :p
  8. dcarr

    dcarr Mint-Master

    I could make a coin with anyone on it. Even myself :rolleyes:
  9. Bonedigger

    Bonedigger New Member

    :mouth: LOL :mouth: , that's so cool :D

    Neat Post
  10. dcarr

    dcarr Mint-Master

    Here is one of the other sides:
  11. Bonedigger

    Bonedigger New Member

    LOL, so true :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
  12. eddyk

    eddyk New-mismatist

    Any more? :p

    Do you do these on PhotoShop?
  13. dcarr

    dcarr Mint-Master

    No, these are real die-struck "coins" made out of copper-nickel, about the same size as a real quarter.
    I've done 14 states so far as parody quarters. Eventually, I'll do all 50. Here are a few more (all have the same reverse side with me on it):

  14. crystalk64

    crystalk64 Knight of the Coin Table

    Mr. Carr is currently working on the 2007 Knights of the Coin Table silver medallion. Lots of folks are waiting for the final design on this very very limited medallion. Hope he finds time to show it around here as well as other forums. I can't wait!!!
  15. Dockwalliper

    Dockwalliper Coin Hoarder

    Dan, Can those coins be bought. I NEED tha NY coin.

    Discuss such things by PM or email please.
  16. CoinOKC

    CoinOKC Don't Drink The Kool-Aid

    Absolute Genius ! ! !
  17. mrbrklyn

    mrbrklyn New Member

    I have so many opinions about this Freedom Tower that I can't even express them all...

    I can sum it up as saying they needed to rebuild the towers virtually as they were, and it should have been finished 3 years ago.

  18. eddyk

    eddyk New-mismatist

    Towers like that take years to build...

    I do often refuse to call it the Freedom Tower as it's so stupid.

    I guess maybe to rebuild them as they were, they would have just ended up a painful reminder.

    Those quarters are hilarious, See Post #14 :D

    Would be a fun thing to have.
  19. De Orc

    De Orc Well-Known Member

    Oh boy those are a hoot, please show us any others that you have done :hail:

    De Orc :kewl:
  20. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    See Post #14
    Do you have a web site?
  21. dcarr

    dcarr Mint-Master

    Yes, PM sent.
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