In memory of my dad

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Sallent, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. GerardV

    GerardV Well-Known Member

    @Sallent your father raised a man who helps strangers without question, and strives to learn - two characteristics that are in far too short supply in today's world. Clearly, his was a life well lived.

    Nothing will dull your pain at the moment, but in years to come he will still lead you to do the right thing.

    At an unexpected moment, maybe during a stressful day at work or when faced with a moral dilemma, the realization that his lessons are still helping you through life's struggles will not only comfort you, they will assuage your pain by making it seem like he's right there, still being a father.....because he is.
    mikenoodle, ToughCOINS and Sallent like this.
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  3. jamesicus

    jamesicus Well-Known Member

    The events surrounding my own fathers death were remarkably similar to yours, Sallent, and I suffered the same remorse as you. My father died suddenly in 1963 when I was living away from my home and like you, Sallent, I never got to say good bye to him and that lack of closure has haunted me ever since. The passage of time has mitigated the circumstances of the loss of my father to some extent, but the memories are still painful -- not being able to say goodbye still haunts me -- but memories of the good times together are a healing salve. I think (and hope) the same thing will sustain you, Sallent.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
  4. Sallent

    Sallent Live long and prosper

    Thank you all. It's been 5 weeks now, but not a day goes by that I still don't think about what happened. I've tried keeping busy with work, this forum and my collection, doing a little amateur backyard astronomy with my son, but during any quiet moments I can't help but think about him and how much I miss him. I guess it will take time to heal,but at least I have my memories of him to console me.
    chrsmat71 and GerardV like this.
  5. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Sorry for you loss.

    I work at a hospice and one thing I've seen a lot of is that there is no one way to deal with this, and the best expert on how deal with it is your self.

  6. Ancient Aussie

    Ancient Aussie Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your loss Sallent, keep your chin up. From your write up sounds like a great man.
    Sallent likes this.
  7. Multatuli

    Multatuli Homo numismaticus

    Really so sorry, Sallent. Surely, be sure that wherever he is now, he will always take pride in the son he has created.
    Sallent likes this.
  8. 7Calbrey

    7Calbrey Well-Known Member

    Courage and prayers are the best remedies. Mine passed away at the age of 49. He was diabetic and a very heavy smoker. Mom is now 88. She's ill but she still smokes all the way. I can't stop her.
    I chose Trebonianus Gallus and his son Volusian. Please accept them along with my sincere condolences.

    TrebGalBill O 001.jpg TrebGalBil R 001.jpg Volusianus O 001.jpg Volusianyr R 001.jpg
  9. Ken Dorney

    Ken Dorney Yea, I'm Cool That Way...

    It gets better with time, but that might not help you now, I suppose. I lost my father 30 years ago when I was just a teen. On occasion something will trigger the pain and it feels like someone hit me with a bag of Ptolemaic drachms. Here's a father and son to keep it relevant, though I do still have a handful of Irish coins my dad came over with which he gave me as a kid (I guess that's part of why I started collecting coins).

  10. Mikey Zee

    Mikey Zee Delenda Est Carthago

    I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. My father died suddenly at age 55 and I still feel the shocked anquish all these decades later. Time does ease the pain but I still miss him terribly.....
  11. Ken Dorney

    Ken Dorney Yea, I'm Cool That Way...

  12. mikenoodle

    mikenoodle The Village Idiot Supporter

    Talking helps, distractions also help to keep your focus off of the unpleasant realities, but time, is what will heal you best.
    7Calbrey likes this.
  13. ominus1

    ominus1 Well-Known Member

    sorry for your loss friend. its tough to lose a parent at any age, but really tough when they're taken earlier than we'd expect them to go. i lost my Mother when she was only 39, august 30 1980 and i still, to this day, think of her often and grieve on labor day weekend for her.
  14. Curtisimo

    Curtisimo the Great(ish)

    I'm really sorry for your loss Sallent. It sounds like your father was a great person and he will live on in the memory of the people he influenced.

    My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
  15. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    Yeah man, it's rough. I'm sure it's different for everybody. I probably thought about my mom every day for a year and half. Was kind a minor basket case for about a year of that. That was almost 3 years ago, but like ken said, something will trigger it all over again. Last weekend I was sorting out some old stuff we brought home, opened up one of my moms old purses and got a wiff of her perfume, it was like she was standing right there. Long story short, next thing I know I'm hugging a purse in my kitchen at 2:00 am putting down vodka.

    If you going to have a minor break down, this brand seems to go with it nicely. Very smooth.


    Just watch the weird shape, the damned thing rolled all around my kitchen floor! LOL!
    Mikey Zee, Alegandron and ominus1 like this.
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