In memory of my dad

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Sallent, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Gavin Richardson

    Gavin Richardson Well-Known Member

    “Then come, dear father. Arms around my neck:
    I'll take you on my shoulders, no great weight.
    Whatever happens, both will face one danger,
    Find one safety…” Virgil, Aeneid, 2.921-24.

    File Aug 01, 11 48 34 AM.jpeg
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  3. AncientJoe

    AncientJoe Well-Known Member

    I'm terribly sorry for your loss. :-(
  4. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    My sincere condolences to you and your family. prayers and hugs sent.
  5. eric6794

    eric6794 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your loss @Sallent I lost my father 9 years ago
  6. Severus Alexander

    Severus Alexander find me at NumisForums

    How awful, I'm so sorry, Sallent. I hope the memorial service is all you hope for, a celebration of a life well lived with all your loved ones there with you to share in your grief.

    Here are three generations of emperors who oversaw the Comnenian renaissance, in honour of your father, you, and your own son:

    Alexius I Comnenus (1081-1118), tetarteron
    Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 11.54.46 PM.png
    John II Comnenus (1118-1143), aspron trachy
    Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 11.55.02 PM.png
    Manuel I Comnenus (1143-1180), half tetarteron
    Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 11.55.16 PM.png

    Pulvis et umbra sumus. --Horace
    (We are but dust and shadow.)
  7. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Very sorry for your loss
  8. Puckles

    Puckles Cat Whisperer

    Sorry to hear about your dad. Mine was 78 when he died three weeks ago after a long illness. Takes a bit of getting used to, and mum needs our support. Best I can come up with coin wise is an English 1642 Charles I shilling and a 1679 Charles II fourpence. Unfortunately, I don't have photos of them - yet
    4to2centBC and Deacon Ray like this.
  9. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    Very sorry to hear about your dad, Sallent .
    My father is still alive and is 81 years old .
    My mother passed, last Labor Day ...
    May God bless you and your family, in this time of need ..
    Deacon Ray likes this.
  10. Andres2

    Andres2 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your loss, Sallent. 56 years, way too young , must have come like a thundercloud.

    Here's Aelius , appointed succesor of Hadrian , but died at age 36 of a haemorrage ,6 months before Hadrian died in 138 AD.

    Aelius son Lucius Verus became emperor in 161 together with Marcus Aurelius.

    Father & son:


  11. Eduard

    Eduard Supporter**

    Mi mas sentido pésame en la muerte de tu padre.
    Que en paz descanse.
    Deacon Ray likes this.
  12. Deacon Ray

    Deacon Ray Well-Known Member

    I’m very sorry to hear about your Dad, Sallent! I’m sure he was very proud of you! He’ll continue to live through you. When you look in the mirror and smile you’ll see him smiling back. I lead a prayer service on Wednesday nights from 7:30 until 8:30 P.M. EST. Tonight’s the night. You’ll feel our prayers, my friend.
  13. 4to2centBC

    4to2centBC Well-Known Member

    I lost my father when I was 45, that was eleven years ago this month. I had just finished a family vacation and was returning home. It brought me to my knees, literally. It took months for me to reconcile the loss. It has taken me years to learn from it.

    I am now 56 and I can empathize in so many ways. I will leave you with a quote I was sent 11 years ago. I had never heard it before, but since then, I have learned it is a common sayng.

    "A boy does not become a man until his father dies"

    They are some of the truest words I have ever read. In strange way, they brought me some comfort. Probably because they captured an ageless reality and I was in need of a greater wisdom.

    My deepest condolences.

    edit: did not see the post a coin part, so here. This is the cheapest 'coin' in my Abafil. Its a bronze medal I bought when my family went to Wash D.C. in 1973. We went to the US Mint and I bought this with my dad (he was ex-Navy.) So cheap, even the burglars left it behind. But it sits with coins far grander

    US Mint 1973 Comitia Americana Re-strike
    Medal awarded to Captain John Paul Jones for the naval battle between the U.S. frigate Bonhomme Richard and the British frigate Serapis. The original was engraved by Augustine Dupre, and struck in gold.
    Obverse: The bust of Captain Jones, facing right. Latin inscription reads: The American Congress to John Paul Jones, Commander of the fleet.
    Reverse: The Bonhomme Richard on fire with her crew boarding the severely damaged Serapis. The Alliance, consort of the Richard, stands off to the left beyond two sailors in the water clinging to a spar. Latin inscription reads: The Enemy's Ships Captured or Put to Flight (above), at Scotland's shore, 23 September 1779 (below).
    Purchased US Mint Washington DC 1973
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  14. Cucumbor

    Cucumbor Well-Known Member

    Sorry to read about the loss of your father @Sallent. all my sympathy to you and your family

  15. Carausius

    Carausius Brother, can you spare a sestertius?

    My condolences to you and your family for your sudden and unexpected loss.
  16. Deacon Ray

    Deacon Ray Well-Known Member

    [QUOTE="Rick Stachowski, post: 2813454, member: 42872"...My mother passed, last Labor Day...[/QUOTE]

    I’m sorry for your loss, Rick
    Rick Stachowski likes this.
  17. Deacon Ray

    Deacon Ray Well-Known Member

    I’m sorry for your loss, Puckles!
  18. 1934 Wreath Crown

    1934 Wreath Crown Well-Known Member

    So sorry to hear of your loss Sallent. My deepest condolences.

    I lost my dad six years ago on New Year's eve. New Year's eve will never be the same for me again.
  19. Stevearino

    Stevearino Well-Known Member

    @Sallent, my sympathy to you. I especially empathize with your feelings that you weren't there; I was unable to see my hospitalized father the morning he died because I was at a different hospital with my brother who was undergoing surgery (they were in a car accident).

    You will often say to yourself "If only..." That's very normal; it is our attempt to undo what can't be undone.

    I'm happy that you had such esteem for your father and I am confident that he was aware of your love for him.
    4to2centBC and RAGNAROK like this.

    RAGNAROK Naebody chaws me wi impunitY

    I'm so sorry for your loss :(. Cheer up, pal. Honoring his memory honors us all.
    "Am mac mar an t-athair" (Such father, such son).

    "Lamento profundamente y sinceramente tu terrible pérdida. Mis más sinceras condolencias para ti y para toda tu familia y amistades. Qué la tierra le sea leve y descanse en paz".
    Alegandron likes this.
  21. Aethelred

    Aethelred The Old Dead King

    I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear this Sal.
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