In memory of my dad

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Sallent, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    Please accept my sincere sympathy, too, @Sallent. Personally, I'm a "griever," and it's hard for me to let go. But one thing I've learned, death is like the Sun, and you don't want to stare at it too long. FWIW...
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  3. beef1020

    beef1020 Junior Member

    Sorry to hear. You have my condolences.
  4. TheRed

    TheRed Well-Known Member

    My deepest condolences Sallent, I am truly sorry for your loss.
  5. sakata

    sakata Devil's Advocate

    So sorry. I just qualified for medicare but my dad is still alive (as is my mom), but I have not seen him for several years because we live on opposite sides of the ocean. I've thought about it, but trans-Atlantic travel is really not an option for either of us any more.
  6. Parthicus

    Parthicus Well-Known Member

    So sorry for your loss. My own father died in June. He was 81, and the last few months saw a lot of time in hospitals, so it wasn't unexpected, but it was still terribly painful. My only advice: take the time to grieve and remember him, but don't forget the needs of those who are still living, and who still need you.
    4to2centBC and Alegandron like this.
  7. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    My deepest sympathies, sir.
  8. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss.

  9. zumbly

    zumbly Ha'ina 'ia mai ana ka puana

    So sorry for your loss, sallent. Your dad sounds like he was a great guy and the loss must be hard on you and your family. Do take care.
  10. Theodosius

    Theodosius Fine Style Seeker

    Very sorry to hear about that. Sounds like your father did all the right things and will be remembered well.
  11. Youngcoin

    Youngcoin Everything Collector

    My condolences I can't fathom what it would be like to lose my father I'm sincerely sorry.
  12. Johndakerftw

    Johndakerftw Mr. Rogers is My Hero

    I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Sallent.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend.

  13. Nemo

    Nemo Well-Known Member

    Terrible news @Sallent, very sorry to hear it.
  14. dadams

    dadams Well-Known Member

    The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. -Billy Graham

    @Sallent it is obvious to me the legacy of your dad, Orlando, lives in you and you are the legacy of your father. My humble and sincere condolences in your loss.

    Sallent likes this.
  15. Roman Collector

    Roman Collector Well-Known Member

    So sorry for your loss. In honor of your loss, here's a matching Macrinus and Diadumenian from Antioch:

    Macrinus Antioch.jpg
    Diadumenian Antioch.jpg
  16. Orfew

    Orfew Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus

    Very sorry to hear of your loss.


    vespasian ric 544.jpg


    TITUS new.jpg

    DOM new.jpg
  17. TJC

    TJC Well-Known Member

    Very sorry to hear of your loss. Condolences to you and your family.
  18. Parthicus

    Parthicus Well-Known Member

    And to keep it numismatic, here's proud father Vespasian with his sons Titus and Domitian:
    Vespasian and sons.jpg
  19. rrdenarius

    rrdenarius non omnibus dormio Supporter

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  20. Agricantus

    Agricantus Allium aflatunense

    ¡Condolencias! Lamento mucho su pérdida.
  21. alde

    alde Always Learning

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am deeply sorry for your loss.
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