Ike dollar ripoff thread

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Dimedude2, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    So on our local marketplace thread on eBay, someone posted this rare Ike for only $300. I asked him why $300 and he referred to me as a Karen. Apparently he’s looking to rip some naive person off. These people are scum. IMG_0214.png
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  3. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    It doesn't look BU to me and even if it was, the 1976 Philly
    is less than $7 in that condition. Even if it was the rarer low relief, it's
    only a $10 coin in MS.
    Did you report them?
    Troodon likes this.
  4. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    Should I? I replied to him saying I was amused about his entry and mentioned it was likely worth between 2 and 15 in value.
    Troodon and Dynoking like this.
  5. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    I don't like when people are so crooked. A $7 coin for $300?
    If it's even BU, I don't even see a real grading company on the label.
    If it's self slabbed, it is XF/AU at best and not even worth $2.
    Troodon and Dimedude2 like this.
  6. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Nobody's going to buy that.
    Troodon and SensibleSal66 like this.
  7. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    You'd be surprised. :woot:
  8. Spark1951

    Spark1951 Accomplishment, not Activity

    Those slabs and serial #’s identify with products released from the Bradford Exchange.

    A lot of their items are “outside the norm”. You could also say they service “fringe” clientele…just peruse one of their catalogs and you will see what I mean.
  9. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    I hate seeing naive people getting ripped off, but I also texted this guy on his pricing and intention. It’s a local Facebook marketplace suite, so who knows what these clowns will do.
  10. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    That’s a shame! My entire set is in a Dansco because it’s high grade and I didn’t pay that much when I built it, which was a few years ago.
    Troodon likes this.
  11. calcol

    calcol Supporter! Supporter

    Afraid it’s just another day on the eBay coin market. No shortage of rip-offs. Although I look there frequently, it’s rare for me to buy a coin there (definition of insanity? :inpain:). If I’m really interested and if at all possible, I contact the seller outside eBay … always get a better price.

    Any time I do a search, there will be lots of overpriced coins … even the ones that are accurately described. Not sure why folks don’t do research before buying. Probably combination of things … dumbness … laziness … if it’s posted on the internet, it has to be true … impulsiveness … if it’s old, it’s gotta be valuable … it’s so shiny, it has to be mint state … bad advice … etc.

    Troodon likes this.
  12. Dynoking

    Dynoking Well-Known Member

    Ike dollars?! $300?! My friend paid $990 for $1k face. Try to spend one. Odds are the clerk will not know what it is and will not accept it. Thou my same friend paid for a $50 Burger King bill with the coins he bought. Turn them into you bank. They will hate you for it. They will be stuck and have to pay to return them.
    Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Ike's, but they have to be the most unknown-unloved US coin.
  13. Jim Dale

    Jim Dale Well-Known Member

    My father's collection had over 100 IKEs. My brother and I went through the collection and split them 50 each. He lives in California and I live in North Carolina. It was difficult to go through them. He would take a picture of a coin, front and back and send it to me, so that we both would know what was in them. We would them make two sets and choose which set we wanted. It was a lot of fun. After we looked at the two sets, and decided which set we wanted, my brother would send my selection to me. When I opened my package of IKE's, I found that my brother had send all of them to me. I offered to send them back, but he said to keep them. He didn't have enough time to go over them. I lost him 2 months later.
    I miss the bum!
    Kentucky and Troodon like this.
  14. Michael K

    Michael K Well-Known Member

    There are a number of varieties, and silver, for such a short series. So for collectors it's not a bad set. There's no way to spend them in a self serve machine. The half dollar is also a useless dinosaur and we need some kind of bill to stop producing them. They are pointless.
  15. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    Jim Dale likes this.
  16. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    On Craigslist here there is a guy who has been posting a large cent for several weeks. It goes from an "exceedingly rare" coin he wants $40 for to one from his grandfather for $10, not to mention his 1943 cent!
    Jim Dale likes this.
  17. johnmilton

    johnmilton Well-Known Member

    Promoters have been pushing Ike Dollars in Unc. for $300 or there abouts for years. They claim they are rare "Gem Uncirculated" examples. Since I am not an Ike Dollar fan, it's easy for me to resist them.

    As for the others, if you really need to own "the ultimate Ike Dollar," I'd look for one in a PCGS holder. NGC does not have as much gravitas in the modern coin market. The rest of TPGs, aside from the new CAC slab, have even less.
  18. Jim Dale

    Jim Dale Well-Known Member

    Is a graded IKE worth more? Since I'm not in the market to buy any IKE. I think I will give them to my son. Maybe one of his children would like them.
    Thanks for your entries.
  19. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    I've thought about collecting the short 5-coin "blue Ike" set - the unc. 40% silver ones. Collecting them in PCGS plastic, that is. I have them already but would not send them in, but rather buy them graded.
  20. MK Ultra

    MK Ultra Well-Known Member

    Not sure I understand the question.

    BUT, I can assure you that your grandchildren will love the coins.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
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