ID help requested (small European/South American coin)

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Amit Vyas, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. Amit Vyas

    Amit Vyas Well-Known Member


    Could someone please help ID this? (0.5 g, 12 mm)

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  3. romismatist

    romismatist Well-Known Member

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  4. Spark1951

    Spark1951 Accomplishment, not Activity

    2 things…maybe…. Maybe an Italian city-state, just a guess. The design on the upper left of the right-hand (reverse?) has church hat, maybe Vatican?

    And the left side (obverse?) looks to have been clipped many times…maybe silver used to pay for a bed or food more than a few times.

    Just guesses, really…but those are what I came up with…Spark
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  5. robinjojo

    robinjojo Well-Known Member

    It looks like a clipped down coin, possibly from Liege. The portrait looks a lot like that of Maximillian Heinrich, 1650-1688.
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  6. Amit Vyas

    Amit Vyas Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the leads. I will check online and see what I can find. Reverse image search usually gets me close when I don’t know where to look but, as observed, this one appears clipped and it is, therefore, hard to search a match.
  7. jtlartgallery

    jtlartgallery Active Member

    I think you have a coin of Olmutz Bishopric an Austrian State issued by Karl II von Liechtenstein -Castelcorn 1664-1695.It is hard to attribute due to the clipping. There are also a lot of varieties. You might be able to match it up if you place it over actual size illustrations in KM17th century catalog Hope this helps good luck.
    Amit Vyas likes this.
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