I think I've asked this before....

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by charlietig, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    What makes you think we already don't talk nightly?
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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    LOL !! Touche !

    You almost got a Like there Kurt - almost :D
    ThinnPikkins likes this.
  4. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    I can almost die in peace then - almost. :hilarious:
    ThinnPikkins likes this.
  5. Maxfli

    Maxfli Well-Known Member

    I've seen this happen repeatedly in chat rooms of other hobby forums. Chat is more trouble than it's worth IMHO.
  6. charlietig

    charlietig Well-Known Member

    Well is there a way for you guys to say along the lines, "no coin deals made in chat" or was that already the case and some members didn't care or? I am buy the time I joined, the chat room appeared gone so hence my "3rd degree" if you will.

    If there's a way to get around that, I'd be very happy to see the option considered again and whatnot, I mean there's so much knowledge and new members on this forum, it's hard to PM someone out of the blue and say, "hey tell me about your life and how your day went".

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    It's called getting to know someone Charlie, and no, it isn't hard. I mean it has to start someplace and to me that's kind of the beauty of a forum because you can kind of get to know somebody just by reading what they say. I actually think it's easier to get to know somebody in a forum than it is face to face for just that reason. And once you get to know them a little bit, find out about them, then it's easy to send them a PM. You can ask them a question, or maybe comment on a coin they posted, or ask their opinion of one you posted. There's many things that can be used to break the ice.

    Over the years I've made hundreds of friends through coin forums, and I think a whole lot of people here have. And it was all done without using a chat room. You can too.
  8. charlietig

    charlietig Well-Known Member

    Not to me it is..... Perhaps I'll look for a coin forum that does....
  9. omahaorange

    omahaorange Active Member

    I'm going to agree with Doug on this one. It's the anonymity of the internet that makes it true. It's a whole lot easier for me to type my opinions and comments that it would be to make them face-to-face for several reasons. I can say things I would hesitate to say to your face, not because I mean offense, but shyness or the risk of seeing you offended may cause me to hold back. Sure, these forums are ripe for internet bullies, but it also gives those who may have good ideas and comments, but are too shy or not willing to risk embarrassment because they might be wrong, to voice them in public, a chance to tell their story. The moderators do a good job weeding out the bullies, but sometimes they slip through the cracks. Thicken your skin a little, and ignore the malicious comments, and the forum can be a great place to chat, even if not in real time.

    I have used live chat for a number of things, mostly customer service issues. In this venue, it's not really a viable option. I would provide some details of my life via private message, depending on who asked. But I don't like talking on the phone, and text message exchanges that require more than one or two word answers, or multiple messages in the conversation, bore me even more. Here I can type when I feel the urge, and walk away when I don't, and then pick up the conversation later.
  10. medoraman

    medoraman Well-Known Member

    I remember the whole chat episode here. From my memory some words were supposedly said, and that might have been the end of it. However, it spilled into the forum, and that is when Peter drew the line. Having a chat room where people chat and talk is one thing if whatever is said there stayed there, but it has a nasty habit of continuing into the forum posts as well. Since there is not the manpower here to police the chatroom 24/7, (and no one volunteered to do it that often), it was shut down.

    The thing is, some forum posts devolved into what is essentially a chat room at times anyway. Therefor, I don't think we miss much. Start a thread in General talking about members and where they are from.
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