Oh? And your facts are? Everything said about the OP and myself has been pure speculation. Mean stuff too. Heck, you never had any facts. Troll is your go-to because its all you have left. So, your proof? Your facts? Want to prove any statement I made is wrong? You cant. All you have is troll.
Why? This is pure gold. Gold like the ANACS holders. Gold like the tens and tens of dollars ANACS will make swapping out the OP's problem coins.
PCS is a basement slabber. I’d venture to guess they way overgraded those coins. So you bought something off of eBay from a scammy basement slabber and then tried to put it in a top tier holder and are upset that the grades don’t match. Did I get it right?
i know they are not that good .but that coin was a fine specimen i cold see my reflection in the field . return saying it was not even ms62 . case cracked and switched with lower grade.the coins was at less 65
if you don't like it . if you don't like my tread don't look bother someone else . i am answering some questions
@james papineau please get us better images I have cropped and put in order your coin images to show you the minimum the images should be. Always post any images as full image the thumbnails suck. Please take the images as full coin shots and as you know both obverse and reverse. And what’s with the really grainy shot of the first coin it looks to be Doctored when you enlarge it it shows NO details at all. Is this the image that you bought the coin from or did you take it after you had it in hand. Well anyway this is the first time I’ve been able to see the two coin shots together. If you look at the temple area of shot #1 you notice a slight disruption of the surface now go to image #3 and you see that same disrupted area. Can’t call it with that alone but their starting to look like the same coin. We need better images James please supply them for us and thanks for the last set. Reed.
These are different coins, as you have stated. Do you have an actual photo of your coin you sent in and not a photo of what, based on all the noise, looks to be a photo of another image?
Seems only thing you can do is contact PCS and tell them what you believe and back it up with the pictures you have of the coin you say you sent, otherwise I don't see that there is anything else you can do, unless you keep on griping about it on here and that will go nowhere just bring more obnoxious comments alot more than you want I imagine, take your lumps and use a very reputable company in future
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but when a poster fails to articulate a problem with a grading service clearly I usually side with the service.
Given that all you have to go on, and it isnt a jury trial, why take sides at all? Why presume innocence on the part of the service? My experience is that the process is ripe for abuse. You have no more justification for default defense of the service as the OP does for suspicion.. I think we are all whistling past the graveyard
If a service were going to orchestrate something like this, it would do it on a very expensive piece and not a lower value coin. There would be a reputation cost.