Looks like Aurelian. Something like this perhaps (not my coin)? Sorry I don't have more specific details if that's what you were after!
I settled on: Aurelian plated AE Antoninianus. Siscia mint. IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONSER, Emperor standing right, usually with sceptre, accepting globe from Jupiter. Mintmark P to Q or star P to Q or P to Q star. Cohen 105. Sear 11542v. This is Star Q Thanks all.
I would call it silvered rather than plated. A thin coat of silver wash was applied on these 3d century antoninianii which was different than the plated fourees of the Republic and early Imperial periods. But maybe I'm just nit-picking...
I felt the same way. Mine has a very thick silver wash. So thick that I am not able to bring out more details without chancing some destruction.