I little quiz to test your common sense

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by irisheyes, Mar 18, 2012.

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  1. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    I realize hong kong manufacture alot of merchandise including fake coins and toy coins

    but my coin is NOT a TOY nor is it a Fake coin

    It was not made in HONG KONG ..HONG KONG didnt exisit when my coin was made

    It was made for hong Kong......and it was not cast it was hand engraved ...
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  3. Hunt1

    Hunt1 Active Member

    If you believe it's real, that's all that matters. I dont know why ask our opinion then.
  4. james m. wolfe

    james m. wolfe New Member

  5. ziggy9


    I hope you don't mind my cut and paste of the following instead of quoting the entire e-mail thread.

    "I dont think the coin was intended to be an official US coin I beleive it was a token designed by and made by the Freemasons .....for the freemasons .....to commemorate independance as being united

    Ben Franklin James Watt and William Murdock amoung many others involved were Freemasons
    The details on the coin ....MIND YOUR BUSINESS ..WE ARE ONE... The Triangle.... the Suns Rays the 13 rings
    These are just a few reasons i have many more showing why it was a Masonic Token and why it was not an actual US coin.

    I have a good idea and documented information to back up WHEN... WHY and WHERE it was made as well as WHO made it and by what method.

    and I have a coin that I beleive is not only unique but it has the ability to provide insight that until now may have been unknown"

    Read more: http://www.cointalk.com/t202812-3/#ixzz1paTqsAcn

    I find that in these times we look too often to conspiracy theories and secret societies to explain that of which we might not have a full understanding. When we look a little further we often find a more logical explaination for that which eludes us. Perhaps rather than being a secret design for the society of Freemasons and not for general use it was designed because the general public would recognize the design from an existing monetary item. The reason for creating a coin to replace paper? The British were extensively counterfeiting the bills in circulation at the time, good enough that they were being passed throughout the Colonies. The need to replace the paper type of currency became less urgent wnen Ben Franklin created the leaf type reverses that could not easily be copied.

    obverse.jpg reverse.jpg
  6. Hunt1

    Hunt1 Active Member

  7. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    I hate to feed the troll, but seriously. Reread this passage and see if you can see the fallacy of the logic.

    It was not made in Hong Kong because Hong Kong did not exist when this coin was made, it was made for Hong Kong.

    I think that little bit of logic pretty much sums all of my thoughts up on the subject and this thread.


    Btw, "it was not cast it was hand engraved" is wrong on the face of it ma'am. Its provable your trinket was cast, we can tell that in two seconds from your photo.
  8. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Sorry, but that last comment was not funny at all with relation to this thread.
  9. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    I could be wrong but I think she is implying that the coin was made for a Mr. Kong. Mr. hong Kong?

    However, were people of oriental descent allowed in the Free Masons? I have no idea other than the general bigotry which existed towards the Chinese in the early years of our Country.


    I was wrong.


    Or........maybe not.

    "But "Chinese Freemasons" is a misnomer—the society has no connection to recognized Freemasonry, either as a structure of philosophical beliefs, or in a history of ritual instruction, or in a legend derived from architecture in general or King Solomon's Temple in particular."
  10. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    if you read the article you woulnt be asking me
  11. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    I believe it was made as a gift or invitation to present to the grand master of the hong kong lodge ....but it looks like someone changed their minds and decided to keep it
  12. Duke Kavanaugh

    Duke Kavanaugh The Big Coin Hunter

    I did not ask about your coin being a fake or cast. Just: "WHY"
    You actually got close to a answering the question that time when you said "It was made for Hong Kong" but that is not a real answer.
    So for the 3rd time I'll ask:

    Why would a Masonic Token have the words "Hong Kong" on it?
  13. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I hate to say, I really do. But how many times have you folks heard me say ? - people will believe what they want to believe.

    Need I say more ?
  14. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    "Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear"........Edgar Allan Poe
  15. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    I believe my coin was made as a gift or invitation to present to the grand master of the hong kong lodge ....but it looks like someone changed their minds and decided to keep it

    I think the pewter coins were made for lodge members and the brass copper and silver coins where presented to the grand masters.

    my coin was made to be given to the grand master of the hong kong lodge..it was made but for some reason it was not given

    As the need arose they made more which is why mine was made in a different manner than the newer version of struck coins ......as they did not have a mint in 1776

    Read more: http://www.cointalk.com/t202812-9/#ixzz1paz6XqN1
  16. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Wouldn't the bigger question be why would the US in 1776 make a coin for a city in Asia that would not exist for another 100 years? :)

    You know, I think we should repeat the feat. We should start striking coins for Zydborgopia, the major metropolis on Alpha Centauri. I am just SURE it will exist in 100 years, so we might as well start making coins for them today. We should sneak some Masonic symbols on the coins as well, as I know those sneaky little green men will be shriners.
  17. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    because my coin was engraved by hand there are no others the same

    the letters are different the E"S dont look the same as the other E"S neither do the N"s Ls or T's

    all the struck coins have the same type of letters and they are positioned in the same place on the coin

    my coin is missing an R becasue there wasnt enough room to put all the letters if the words were spelled right ......you can see a difference in the spacing of the E and the N to make up for the missing R in curency

    The struck coins are slightly bigger and they have both R's in currency

    why would they go from spelling the word correctly and then change it and spell it wrong

    it makes sense that it would be done the other way around ..

    perhaps they figured it was not proper to send to give someone a misplelled coin
    so they made another one and kept the mistake

    which in turn was passed down by the man who made the mistake through my family and now I have it .....william murdock was franklins partner friend and fellow lodge member

    but he is also my great great GR gr gr great uncle !!
  18. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    I'll have what she's smoking, thanks.

    It's a fake. Counterfeit. Jewelery piece. Toy. Replica. Whatever you wanna call it. It is not an authentic coin/medal/whatever you want to call it.
  19. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    I'm having evil naughty devilish thoughts regarding family history but I'll remain silent......:)
  20. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

  21. irisheyes

    irisheyes New Member

    <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 15px; text-align: left; ">I hate to feed the troll, but seriously.</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); line-height: 15px; text-align: left; "><br><br>Read more:&nbsp;<a href="http://www.cointalk.com/t202812-9/#ixzz1pb4tnmXx" style="color: rgb(0, 51, 153); ">http://www.cointalk.com/t202812-9/#ixzz1pb4tnmX<br><br>T</a>HEN DONT BOTHER ...BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY ANYWAY&nbsp;</span>
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