i have been collecting/roll searching for over 17 years now and my fiancée has been doing it for about 1 year. she has found 2 war nickels in her year while i have found 0 in my 17 years. she has found 3 silver washington quarters, i have found 0. she has found 1 indian head cent, i have found 0. she has found 1 1998 wam, i have found 0. why do some people seem to have all the luck??? on the flip side, i have found 1 mercury dime and 1 liberty nickel, while she has not found either. we're about even on the silver roosevelt dimes and wheat cents. anyway, thanks for letting me vent. hope everyone's searching goes well!
i use the same bank she does. lol. and 3 other banks she doesn't. oh well. i am determined to find a 1998 wam one day. it's what keeps me going.
You know, it's strange, I've recently started roll searching to complete a circulated set of Jefferson Nickels. Since September I've found four silver war nickels, but have yet to find a 2009 D or 2010 D nickel.
it's crazy how that works. i have found 1 2009-d (earlier this week, actually) and quite a few 2010-d. i may have one lying around if you want it.
I appreciate the offer Swish. I'll PM you my address. That will be another coin in my collection that has a cool story behind it, thanks!
you could swap her boxes with yours... but then she might give up if she never finds anything, or finds out youve been doing it. then youll be roll searching for something good enough to trade for being allowed back in the house. on second thought.....
I have a spare 2010D CIRC. JEFFERSON if your interested Also 5 2010d circ. dimes if someone needs one
HIT JACKPOT WIFES CHANGE Found 3 more 2010D JF 1 2010P JF 3 2010P DIMES 2 2010 DIMES ALL COINS CIRCULATED IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN ANY COIN ON THIS POST LET ME KNOW 32 2010D CENTS 15 2010P CENTS AND 1920 WHEAT 2006 CAND PENNY UNMARKED BUFFALO 1959D JF 3 1964D JF 1 1964 JF 1965JF 1966JF I think my wife is a keeper Wife said more change coming from her store register will list finds
She's got 2 war nickels, 3 silver quarters, 1 indian head and 1 1988 WAM; you've got her. Which of you is luckier?
Sorry, I thought I was on a TSA airport screeners message board and somebody was complaning about having to search rolls.
It's weird how it works. I roll search regularly and the finds I find are decent but usually nothing to write home about. My brother, who is not a coin collector, does not roll search...yet he usually gets the best stuff, in change! Earlier this week he got a Yosemite quarter, which is the first 2010 quarter anyone in the family has gotten. He was the first to recieve a 2010 Dime back in May although we have gotten a lot more since then. Earlier this year he recieved a 1957 D nickel that was a huge upgrade over the one I had. He gets at least one wheat in change a month. One of them was full mint red, even! Occasionally a Canadian, too. Last year he was the first to get a anniversary cent in change, before I got one in a roll. I had traded for one on CoinTalk before that but if I hadn't, it would have been another find he made. I think there was something else too, but I can't remember what at the moment.