How Often Do You Go To Coin Shows?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by CoinKid52, May 11, 2006.


How Often Do You Go To Coin Shows?

  1. More Than Once A Week

    0 vote(s)
  2. About Once A Week

    0 vote(s)
  3. Once Every 2-3 Weeks

    2 vote(s)
  4. Once Every Month

    2 vote(s)
  5. Less Than Once A Month

    44 vote(s)
  1. CoinKid52

    CoinKid52 Senior Member

    Well, how often do you go to coin shows. I don't have much time - I'm still in school.
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  3. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    Once a year.....

  4. Charlie32

    Charlie32 Coin Collector

    I go to a small 40 table show about 2 times a year. Then there are a couple other shows I go to whenever I can get a ride.

  5. CoinKid52

    CoinKid52 Senior Member

    Wow, these results are far from what I expected. So, I wonder if there is anyone who goes that often...
  6. Defiant7

    Defiant7 Enjoy the Insanity

    I would go to more coin shows, but there is generally just one in my area.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    I've been slackin this past year, but I normally go to 4 - 6 a year.
  8. AnemicOak

    AnemicOak Coin Hoarder

    Never been to one.
  9. chop45

    chop45 New Member

    I go to the Long Beach Expo 3 times a year and have lately been going the the new Anaheim expo.
  10. Old Silver

    Old Silver New Member

    There are 3 shows a month within 45 min. of me. I know what happens when I go to them (financially) so I try to limit myself and attend when only necessary.
  11. YNcoinpro_U.S.

    YNcoinpro_U.S. New Member

    I've increased my coin show attendance to about 5 a year (give or take a couple).
  12. KLJ

    KLJ Really Smart Guy

    Went to a local "fire hall" show about 6 weeks ago. I'm going to the PAN show today (12 May), and during my vacation in July I'll be at my parents about half an hour from Baltimore when there is one of the regional shows in Baltimore.
  13. vipergts2

    vipergts2 Jester in hobby of kings


    I've been tryig to go about 4 or 5 times a year, but there are'nt very many close. with gas prices the way they are I try to stay close to home.
  14. Just Carl

    Just Carl Numismatist

    I go to every coin show in the area. There is one the First Sunday of each Month with about 60 to 90 dealers, one the second Sunday of each Month with about 20 to 30 dealers. These are about 10 miles from me. There is another one on the third sunday of each Month, about 12 miles from me but I couldn't find it the one time I went there and got mad and never tried again. At all flea markets in the area there are coin dealers. We have stores that have coin counters. Then there is the really big shows evey once in a while in the area and I go to all of them.
  15. Midas

    Midas Coin Hoarder

    I go to the F.U.N. Show in Orlando, FL as my #1 show to attend. After that, I like the Palm Beach, FL show in March and November and last but not least, I hit the Central FL show held at the fairgrounds.

    I think the poll should have stated/included: Once per year, Twice a year, and once a quarter. I can't see that many collectors going to a show every week or every two weeks...or even once per month unless it is a club or something like that. Hence the results show this.
  16. jseaman

    jseaman New Member

    I try to hit at least 3-4 coin shows a year. There are about 4-5 local shows a year and over a dozen more within a 2-3 hour drive. I've never been able to make one of the big coin shows like FUN or the ANA stuff.
  17. Borgy

    Borgy Member

    I get to a show about once a month, sometimes twice. So within a years time I may hit about 12-15.
  18. OldDan

    OldDan 共和党

    Well now, when was it that they landed on the moon? Haven't been back since either!
  19. jseaman

    jseaman New Member

    Apollo 11 crew landed in July of 1969 - they were followed to the surface of the moon by 5 more missions.
    Apollo 12 - Nov 1969
    Apollo 14 - Feb 1971
    Apollo 15 - July 1971
    Apollo 16 - April 1972
    Apolo 17 - Dec 1972

    They appear to have gone back quite a few times. But I'm not sure what this has to do with coin shows!
  20. Burks

    Burks New Member

    I go to at least one show a month. Over the past two months I've been to 6 different shows in two different states. Fantastic two months even though I didn't buy much at any of the shows. What I did buy was quality though.
  21. Uncle Herbie

    Uncle Herbie Senior Member

    I've been to a grand total of one show so far, a monthly show they have in South Bend. They are having it again today and I'm gonna take off in a bit so it might just be a monthly thing for me. Even if I can't afford to buy much every month I enjoy looking at what people have and talking to them.

    It's a little unsettling but I think I might actually have more insight into the whole mall experience women have now.
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