how much would this cost me ( ancient coins)

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by enochian, May 3, 2013.

  1. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    i love actual fishing
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  3. Ancientnoob

    Ancientnoob Money Changer

    Understand that Stevex6 is very humble, hes not really a big fishing guy, he just does it for the commradery, hes really into big game, you know Hippos, Lions, Boar even beasts of mythological size.

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  4. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    well, then you're gonna be a natural at snaggin' yourself a great ancient-meal!!

  5. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    ahahaha => good one

    => yah, or we toss a couple of water-proof sticks of explosives into the water and "KAAAABBBOOOOOOOMMM!!"

    => man, then there's fish everywhere!!! (the village will eat tonight!!)
  6. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    as long as you dont throw a electric line in the water wile on a metal boat
  7. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    I never understood the original question in this thread and it has gone downhill from there.
  8. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Try to keep-up => it's called "having fun"

  9. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    As I've said before => Doug scares the crap outta me, so I'm gonna go to bed now ...

    Have a nice night everybody (just rememebr how lucky you guys are => I had to pick-up and toss-away probably close to 100 lbs of dog-poop this afternoon) ... life is good

    Cheers fellas!! (oh and I love ya, Doug!!)

  10. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    the question was about the cost of the quest

    and its my thread so it can go off topic if i want it to
  11. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    Sorry to offended and interrupted your thread. I never understood the details of the 'quest'.
  12. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    no problem i just re read what i said and i came of sounding grumpy not how i was meaning
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