How many Ancient collectors are on CT?

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by randygeki, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    i'd like to see it :)
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  3. FarmerB

    FarmerB Senior Member

    I have a hundred or so.
    Nothing exceptional - just if I like it and can afford.
    I should consolidate - but too lazy!!:whistle:
  4. Just starting out but yes, count me in too.

    I currently have 4 Roman and one Greek issue, more to come in time, money is tight or I would have more already!
  5. GoldenFire

    GoldenFire Coin Hoarder

    I have one, and am planning to get some more. But before doing so I need to do some research on how to make sure they are authentic…I don’t want to get scammed. :mad:
  6. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Best way to get authentic coins is find good dealers. and (which is a shop on vcoins) are reliable places to get ancients

    and forum has a fake reports page that will help
  7. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    While we repeatedly tell beginners to buy from trusted sources, we know that is no fun and it is normal to want to become self sufficient in such things. The best way to accomplish this is to see and handle tens of thousands of genuine coins. One way to accomplish this is to attend a coin show in person and go through junk boxes and all the stock dealers are willing to show. They will be more likely to show coins if you know the language of the coins you seek. Don't ask for 'old stuff' but pick something more specific like 'coins of Constantine the Great and family'.

    Do your research online, too. The following link has thousands of fakes. Compare those images to good coins (like those on vcoins) and you are on your way to being self sufficient. I've been doing it for 40 years and should be pretty safe in another 40.;)
  8. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    I'm still green when it comes to ancients , but this book helped alot when I first started.

    Attached Files:

  9. willieboyd2

    willieboyd2 First Class Poster

    One of my coin interests is ancient coins, particularly Roman, Parthian, and Byzantine.

  10. davidquigley

    davidquigley Member

    I have a few allso. I was wondering about the coin on the book cover thanks and have a great day.david
  11. Ardatirion

    Ardatirion Où est mon poisson

    Roman Republican serratus denarius of C. Mamilius Limetanus, reverse showing Odysseus with his dog, Argos. 82 BC.
  12. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    For educational purposes:


    My example shows the type and makes a couple of good points. The issue used a letter behind the head of Mercury on the obverse to identify dies used. Mine is L while the cover coin above is M.

    Serrate denarii were usued with cut edges because some people considered that a protection against the practice of making counterfeit coins with a copper core below the silver exterior. My coin, however is plated or 'fourree' as can be seen by the punch through to copper on the chest of Odysseus. You just can't trust anything these days! Plated coins are collectable today as contemporary counterfeits but carry a reduction in collector value compared to the solid silver 'real thing'. My coin is genuinely ancient meaning it was made ~2000 years ago but it is not a 'genuine' ancient made at the real mint. This is just one more reason it is good to buy ancients from a dealer you trust. In truth, there is a bit of a market for plated serrate denarii (as educational novelties) so the reduction in value is not as great here as you might expect but a solid one is worth at least 2-3 times as much in similarly worn and damaged condition. This is a popular type because of the literary connection and having Mercury who rarely appears on coins.
  13. svessien

    svessien Senior Member

    I'm collecting ancients, it's my main area of coin collecting.

    The Roman republic in particular.

  14. svessien

    svessien Senior Member

    Very interesting fourre serrated coin, Ardatirion

    I will look for a similar myself, now that I've seen yours.

    I read an interesting article from Calgary Coin, where the author has an interesting theory about serrated coins:

    I would be interested in your and others take on that.

    Here are some of my republican coins, in a photo pool I administer:

    It would be great if you would add your piece here.

  15. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

    Love the images of the old Romans:D
  16. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Thanks all for posting, Looks like we have a decent amount here :D
  17. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    I have a few, mainly Roman bronzes but a few silver and billon pieces and even a couple of gold solidus coins of the Byzantine Empire (if they count as ancient). My favorite one might be this Athenian "owl" tetradrachm

    Attached Files:

  18. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Nice one! one day i'd like to get on myself, probably the older style though.
  19. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    Demetrios, Agathippos and caps of Dioscuri but I can't make out the third name at the bottom due to the double strike. It is a very nice obverse.
  20. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    Athenian owl

    I would also prefer to have the older style, but given the choice between that high grade stylized owl coin and a worn older version that cost twice the money, I opted for the newer design.
  21. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    its still a great one to have too :)
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