How Long Have You Been Collecting Coins?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Bambooski, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Bambooski

    Bambooski Obsessed YN :)

    I was wondering, how many years have you been collecting coins, or how old were you when you started collecting? :)
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  3. ace71499

    ace71499 Young Numismatic

    Ive been collecting for a strong 6 months and i was 13 and now im 14... im hooked ill never stop collecting lol! Im even merging into metal detecting to help me find coins for my collection

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Maybe, but I predict that you will stop collecting, most likely for several years, and do so within 3 years or less.

    And no I don't have a crystal ball. That's just what happens to 90+% of male coin collectors your age. Been that way since I was your age ;) Doubt it'll ever change.

    How long for me, going on 54 years now. I started at 7.
    jello and fireguy83 like this.
  5. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Three years or so.
  6. KoinJester

    KoinJester Well-Known Member

    For the better part of 25 years
  7. WRSiegel

    WRSiegel Freshman

    I've been interested in coins since I was 17, now I'm almost 21, so about 4 years.
  8. PennyGuy

    PennyGuy US and CDN Copper

    55 and 10
    jello likes this.
  9. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Since 1986, took a break in 97 and resumed in 2008.
  10. rktech

    rktech New Member

    I've been collecting for almost 10 years, and I started when I was 12.
  11. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    About thirty years or so. Only consider the last 20 as a serious collector as that's when I began to have more funds for hobbies and such things. Now that my kids are out of college I'll get even more serious. Just keeps getting better.
  12. jester3681

    jester3681 Exonumia Enthusiast

    I've been collecting off and on my whole life - my grandfather was a collector. I got serious when I hired out on the railroad - 3 years ago.
  13. Joe2007

    Joe2007 Well-Known Member

    Started collecting in 1995 when I was 7 years old. Been collecting more seriously for the past five years.
  14. stoster38

    stoster38 Member

    I was 22 when I started and have been collecting for 21 years
  15. vlaha

    vlaha Respect. The. Hat.

    Was on and off for a while, started seriously May 09(four years ago:eek:) . I'm now 14, it seems like my entire life:rolleyes:.
  16. CoinMike747

    CoinMike747 Barber Connoisseur

    I've had an interest in coins for at least the last 3-4 years, and not until two years ago did I become serious in my collecting.
  17. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    Like Doug said , I started at around age 7-8 with wheaties and silver dollars . Stopped till after HS , collected for about 10 years then dabbled with type coins on and off till around 2005 when I started again with a passion . I really doubt I'll stop now till I'm 6 feet under . So all together about 50 years off and on .
    jello likes this.
  18. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    Small world. Which rr you work for? I'm with BNSF.
  19. vlaha

    vlaha Respect. The. Hat.

    Some also stop at the beginning of collage, as it requires much studying(and in some not as focused cases, partying:rolleyes: ).
  20. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    I've been collecting for 20 years. started when I was 18 off and on for 2-3 years (the only reason for that is that I was more into girls and games +not really having money for coins and any money I earned was spent on my car), and have been collecting seriously for the last 18 years. much more focused now... I was all over the place collecting all kinds of coins. I collect very focused topical/themed collections and 1 MISC. collection. and 1 rainbow toned collection (small but adding to it) I am now 52 and will enjoy collecting coins forever.
  21. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I agree with Doug. You'll probably find other things more important in your life once you get into college or marriage & job.

    I started in 1957, but took a hiatus for about 10 years until the mid-70's.

    rzage likes this.
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