Like most of us my collection stays in my safe but recently I have been thinking about building a display case and mounting it on the wall, there’s 53 coins plus another 15 special additions, I would like to include a MS70 and a proof 70DCAM as well these would be 1 OZ GOLD KRUGERRANDS, I have 17 of the 53 coins needed to complete the set so just a few short of half at current levels will have a net worth of $109,000 this would be excluding proofs, looking for some ideas
I only display my coin collection on CoinTalk Nowhere else! Ikea sell some neat glass display cases. I've seen some coins displayed in homemade 3 level slanted wood risers with a felt covering placed on each shelf. You can also illuminate each shelf with small LED lights that go inside the cabinet. These are 2 examples from IKEA.. You can see more at their website which are cheaper.
Hope you have a great security system. There are unsavory people even in the best of friends, acquaintances, and even family members. Word of mouth is also your enemy. We all love our collections, but it's better to be safe not sorry best of luck in your decision thanks for sharing.
Excellent choices ! was also thinking about a walnut frame, something maybe I could hang on the wall.
I hear that ! many people including relatives would just love to have what I have, more about the money and what they could get for them, but leaving them locked away in a safe all the time it’s hard to enjoy what you have, and yes have a really good security system
Pull them out now and again, do a rendition of scruge McDuck and scuttle them away again. Hang one around your neck Or have a seperate room for your collection, like a study with a good door and concrete walls.
Guess I really don't openly display my collection, but I do have three 3-ring zippered binders housing my slabs. 1- for gold, 1- for the short+ Walker collection & then 1- mixed silver rarities. These are partially hidden amongst a large number of books on bookshelves. J.T.
Pictures, take pictures. Kinda like this one I keep pulling up from the internet I had a small safe with extra security
Pretty much "online" for display.. below is a link to my 19th cent circulated type set
My security plan is threefold - 1. Hugh Wood Insurance (through ANA); 2. Very few people know I collect coins; 3. Locking, inconspicuous metal file cabinets & my boxer mix Lena.
I just leave the current most interesting one on my desk and the rest are in junky looking cardboard boxes that say, nothing to see here. It's easy enough to pull out another one as my desk-coin-of-the-month. I have no desire to view a bunch of them "on display" all at once.
NGC registry is my display. Can look at high quality images on any computer any time I want. That’s enough for me. This plan sounds too risky to me unless you use it briefly and occasionally.
I have mine stuffed into a safe as well and have always wanted to display them for my enjoyment as well as the few people I trust. I plan to build a new crib soon and with that my plans are a safe room to do just that. Problem is that I will probably have more invested in the room than the collection, so for now it's called a storm shelter.