How About This Coin?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by fretboard, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    That's right a hobo cent piece cleverly made into a laughing Lincoln, yes very smart for sure! :D How about yours, care to share your hobo coin pic?

    laughinglinca.jpg laughinglincb.jpg
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  3. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    Y'all have seen most of mine. I'll stay with the Lincoln theme, or at least hobos that make Cents . . . .


    HBN21G45 Cuz'n Jack - obverse.JPG HBN21G46 Cuz'n Abe - obverse.JPG IMG_4320.JPG
  4. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

  5. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

  6. ZoidMeister

    ZoidMeister Hamlet Squire of Tomfoolery . . . . .

    I haven't printed one yet. No label.

  7. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Struck not carved but still funny IMO.

    Attached Files:

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