Hitting the books at coin school

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by acanthite, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. edix

    edix Member

    Nice thread!
    A few questions:

    The stater-like pieces were hand struck and the civil war piece was done on a screw press, as you wrote. What about the banquet piece, was that screw press also?

    And Drusus, since you are listed as being located in Houston, why don't you share your minting experiences with the Greater Houston Coin Club, or our annual Money Show of the Southwest?


    p.s. There is a video of ANA's E.D., Larry Shepherd, striking a token at the Summer Seminar "Minting Mayhem" class on the ANA facebook page:
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  3. 900fine

    900fine doggone it people like me

    This one statement speaks volumes :

    Major, major dealers are students. Very humbling to a guy like me. There is much to know ! A long road lies ahead ! But I'm enjoying the walk.

    Thanks, guys. This is one of the best threads in a long time. :high5:
  4. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    Wow, very very good information on these classes. I was all ready to sign up to attend this year - I was really interested in coin photography, as well as advanced grading (you can never know too much about grading, that's for sure), but a family wedding plopped right in the middle of both weeks, so I couldn't go. Rick also gives a class that I hear is pretty good, and it would have been fun to hang out with all the coin people I know and have met here. Hopefully, next year! Again, thanks for all the postings, it was great to hear details of these programs.
  5. acanthite

    acanthite ALIIS DIVES

    Yes, the pewter banquet token was also a product of the same individuals (Badger Mint). I assume they used the same screw press to make them.
  6. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    I took Advanced Grading this year and Digital Photography last year. You can read about my Digital Photography course in the thread I wrote last year:

    Official 2008 ANA Summer Seminar
  7. Arizona Jack

    Arizona Jack The Lincoln-ator

    Great stuff guys, it almost makes this a requirement if you are seriously into coins.

    I would like to take the grading courses and digital photography for sure, and the couinterfeit classes also sound like a must.

    Give me a heads up Brad next time you'll be here in Mesa or maybe I'll see you in LA next month if your in this hemisphere:thumb:
  8. 900fine

    900fine doggone it people like me

    Totally agreed. My only hang-up is getting that much time off of work.

    I wish the ANA, or others, would do much more education at major shows. Even a 4 to 6 hour class would be a big plus.

    Education is one of the main reasons I'm going to ANA LA.
  9. Hobo

    Hobo Squirrel Hater

    They already do that. Below is a list of educational courses ANA is offering at the ANA World's Fair of Money in LA:

    Coin Collecting Basics

    Boy Scout Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop
    Girl Scout Fun with Money Patch Workshop

    An Introduction to Ancient Greek and Roman Coinage

    Facing the Chinese Counterfeiting Threat

    Coin Conservation, Authentication and Grading

    You can read about them at http://www.worldsfairofmoney.com/index.php?id=75
  10. edix

    edix Member

    I have all three designs in pewter now, but I missed out on anything silver. PM me if anyone has interest in some type of trade for such.

    BTW - that funky flying pine cone design on that stater-style piece was previously issued in a slightly different engraving by Joe Paonessa for a commissioned set of dies for a member of the Cincinnati Numismatic Association to use in club hand minting demonstrations. Paonessa also did a reproduction of a ancient Miletos design (reclining lion) to go along with it.

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