hidden images/letters or words on a penny

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Jamiebby, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    @paddyman98 The storm passed so I just saw the video. Great finds and 3 more silvers to add. Congratulations!
    paddyman98 and Cheech9712 like this.
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  3. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Yeah but
    rushcoin1 likes this.
  4. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    That's a very good question as I too have often wondered how these came to be. Perhaps if more people get involved in this discussion, there might be better answers from them. I would imagine that somehow the masters were submitted for approval and then ok'd without anyone taking a deeper magnified view of everything. As to individual dies, that too is possible if one got damaged and was sent in to repair but then something was then added prior to re-using. Not sure about all these intricacies.
  5. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Perhaps a bit of research on the minting process would clear up many questions and misconceptions?

    paddyman98 and rushcoin1 like this.
  6. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    Finally have a couple example of the Hidden Image pics which were taken some years ago I think at around magnification 60X:

    First pic shows the Kodiak bear's head in the center of the pic as it shows within the Memorial Building (Note C3PO to the left of the bear).


    2nd pic shows the back side of a naked maiden facing the inside of Lincoln's neck.

  7. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter


    "The earliest documented mention of the concept dates from around the 5th century BC, when it appears in the writings of Greek philosophers.[1][2] In the 3rd century BC, Hellenistic astronomy established the roughly spherical shape of Earth as a physical fact and calculated the Earth's circumference. This knowledge was gradually adopted throughout the Old World during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.[3][4][5][6]"

    Don't confuse heliocentrism with the concept of a spherical earth...two different things.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  8. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    Yes that is true, but most people continued to believe the earth was flat until the works of Copernicus. Columbus was even warned about this when in made his trip to the Americas, etc.
  9. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    See the pics now posted. On the pic of the Kodiak Bear, I believe this was done by a single Philadelphia Mint die, as only a small number of these were found within a single year 5000 count bag. On the Naked Maiden, these showed up in quantity and on both D & P Mint coins and for several years.
  10. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    I see it, but think it is more coincidence than planned.
    paddyman98 likes this.
  11. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    "Seeing familiar objects or patterns in otherwise random or unrelated objects or patterns is called pareidolia. It's a form of apophenia, which is a more general term for the human tendency to seek patterns in random information. Everyone experiences it from time to time." Google
    Other studies find more people in art studies and value driven incentives can more readily see a pattern than those not "preloaded" mentally ( told what to look for), others say it can cause bad dreams. However, most psychologists say it is a common beneficial activity for most people. Child psychologists fear that young children can have difficulty due to parents or other children telling them about "Boogyman" " devil", etc. before they can actual understand such.
    I suspect if the coins mentioned were actually shown to people not aware of the damage or coaxed about them would notice it. But that is just my opinion, good or bad.
    -jeffB, Kevin Mader and paddyman98 like this.
  12. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    It is not pareidolia -- see the pics now posted. Thx.
  13. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    And that is relevant why? The coins were made with these Images, some Blatant and most Hidden. Whether by accident, by coincidence, or intentional matters not. Is it ever necessary to know how or why any other error or variety exists? Maybe it is interesting to know, but the coins themselves regardless are recognized as what they are.
  14. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    I was able to expedite this so pics are not posted.
  15. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    Pics now posted -- thank you for your patience.
    Kentucky likes this.
  16. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    See my pics now on Hidden Images and Blatant Images.
  17. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    This is a pic that resembles a normal cent but one cannot tell for certain. An error/variety does exist known as the 1997-P Phantom "D" (or Weak "D") which is recognized by the numismatic community. It was caused by a die that was transferred from Denver to Philadelphia and the "D" mint-mark was removed but then showed up on coins after die usage. Some of these are fairly dramatic and collectible.
    71Avalon likes this.
  18. rushcoin1

    rushcoin1 Junior Member

    Actually on this pic it appears you are looking at a water spot from mint cleaning or some other after mint reason.
  19. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I would like to make a suggestion.
    Start a NEW unique separate thread concerning what you are trying to convey.
    This is an old thread and it would be interesting for newer members to see and comment on your so called “images on coins“

    You're still quoting members that are no longer on CoinTalk :banghead:

    All still pareidolia to me :confused:
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2023
    rushcoin1, Kentucky and SensibleSal66 like this.
  20. MIKELOCK34

    MIKELOCK34 Well-Known Member

    I have two 1986 zincolns that have hidden images on them. One has a hidden image of Carrie Fisher, the other a hidden image of Dolly Parton. The hidden image of Carrie Fisher is difficult to see without a loupe, however the hidden image of Dolly Parton is fairly easy to see due to the two large plating blisters on the obverse………………..
    Pickin and Grinin and paddyman98 like this.
  21. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    That's cool! I would like to see this. Please start your own thread. THANK YOU! :)
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