Hey all :D I'm Baaaccckk :D

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by mrweaseluv, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    2 years of hell are over... and I have recovered most of my coins... regretably my morgans and the $20 large cents set were casualities, but that only means I now have 2 full coin sets to restart :D. Looking forward to talking to you all again.. Just couldn't do it while i didn't have my coins... hurt too much :D
    Seattlite86 likes this.
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  3. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    I don't know what the "two years of hell" was all about (or perhaps I've simply forgotten), but I'm glad it's over. Welcome back.
    NOS likes this.
  4. mrweaseluv

    mrweaseluv Supporter! Supporter

    2 years of hell was fighting with the VA to get my benefits back... was living on 400 a month for over 2 years of the appeal... I won :D
  5. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    It's good to know that it only took you two years to get your entitled benefits. My Mom & Dad fought the VA for 50 years before the VA finally awarded him the benefits he should have gotten at the end of WWII. Dad died 16 months later. As far as I'm concerned, the VA sucks.

  6. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

    Welcome back and congrats on your appeal!
  7. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Thank you for your service. I pray I do not have these same issues when I retire...
  8. charlietig

    charlietig Well-Known Member

    That's because it's a government funded program
    Jdiablo30 likes this.
  9. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Pleasure to meet you and I'm glad you got your benefits.

    I always remind myself of an undeniable truth: Government agencies exist to provide paychecks to their employees -- and not services to the people who provide those checks.
    serafino likes this.
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