Here is a fun one!! Railroad Rim

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by guntownguy, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. jrr888

    jrr888 ANA# R3158442

    I've seen this coin in person, think it's real and I think it's spectacular...out of my price range...
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  3. BR549

    BR549 Junior Member

    Old dogs really cant learn new tricks.

    That's because we've probably already smelt it before and I'm done sniffing here.

    Happy Collecting!
  4. prolawn_care

    prolawn_care New Member

    That speak volumes!
  5. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    I was going to ask jrr888 where he saw it. Since he is a dealer, I was wondering if he was asked to look at it for an opinion or appraisal. I was guessing that he met the owner at a trade show or something. jrr888 are you still out there?
  6. jrr888

    jrr888 ANA# R3158442

    This coin wandered into the store recently and I was asked to look at it and give my opinion. I'm not a morgan expert but did some research over the last few weeks and from what I can tell it looks pretty good. I've lost some money on fakes in the past and usually only learn the hard way. Interested to see what the verdict is on this one.
  7. dctjr80

    dctjr80 Senior Member

    I apologize if I upset you. I, since the beginning of this thread knew not whether what you have is genuine or fake and have been eager to hear of the results, Nor did I ever hint that if it is genuine that it isn't worth money. If genuine I believe it is worth plenty of money, but plenty to me would be considered the same as that key dates value is already, maybe slightly more or less. My only point was not to start getting crazy illusions of grandeur far beyond what it would reasonably on the market be worth. Would it still not be great if it is real and it is worth hundreds or maybe even over a thousand dollars? My only point was not to start hyping it to levels of tens of thousands of dollars or gazillions with out analyzing the reality of the situation. Any way, long story short, I apologize for upsetting you and would be very interested to know the outcome, whether from you or in a magazine ( but preferably from you as a member here ) ;)
  8. guntownguy

    guntownguy New Member

    The coin is back. What do you think?


    Im goin out for drinks. Goodnight
  9. prolawn_care

    prolawn_care New Member

    Just as i suspected!
  10. jrr888

    jrr888 ANA# R3158442

  11. Merc Crazy

    Merc Crazy Bumbling numismatic fool

    Congratulations, sir. That's one hell of a find.
  12. coinman0456

    coinman0456 Coin Collector

    yup, as I thought as well. Congrats on your true Rarity .
  13. Captainkirk

    Captainkirk 73 Buick Riviera owner

    I will PM you an offer, soon as I hit the lottery.
    But seriously, that is fantastic news, congratulations!
    What does the 'min grade' mean?
  14. lucyray

    lucyray Ariel -n- Tango

    Just curious after reading all of this thread..does someone here per s 'slabbed coin' to someone else?
    Congratulations Guntownguy. I bet everyone will be interested to hear how 'the rest of the story' goes.
  15. CoinKeeper

    CoinKeeper Keeper of Coins

    What would this coin be valued at? Just curious :)
  16. Elapid

    Elapid Member

    More than I'm worth. I'm glad that it turned out this way.
  17. Mark14

    Mark14 Star Wide Receiver

    would min grade be like XF? im not sure ive never even held a slabbed coin D:
  18. robbudo

    robbudo Indian Error Collector

    Wow! i thought the odds were against you, but you've got the last laugh now!

    what does MIN GRADE mean?
  19. robbudo

    robbudo Indian Error Collector

    Just looked up the '.92' code, it's a cleaned coin. Too bad, but still one of a kind.
  20. jrr888

    jrr888 ANA# R3158442

    I've got code 92 "cleaned" coins back in a slab before, what's with the body bag? You might want to send this off to NGC, maybe they will want their name on it. PCGS makes me wonder much did it cost to have that put in the vinyl flip? Maybe send it to ANACS?
  21. MIKES3

    MIKES3 New Member

    Are we talking $5000 + for this coin? Or well over. Clueless
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