Reading stuff like this makes me really excited to get into the hobby of coin collecting, even if something like this will likely never happen to me. Congratulations on your find, guntownguy.
The MASSES will be proven wrong AGAIN!!! Most folks on this forum seem to think it is worth less than a similar 93 s without the error. I tend to go against the opinion of the masses since the masses are almost always DEAD wrong. Leaves more opportunities for the top 1%. They talk about people trying to complete a set or people trying to complete an error set. That is NOT who will end up with this coin. This is the ONLY 1893 s Morgan error to ever exist in the history of the world, no less a MAJOR error (tilted partial collar) of which there are probably only a few hundred in existence in the ENTIRE run of morgans. What will hold it back a bit is the fact that is has been cleaned but its not like they can just go to the next shop down the road and get one that is unc. There are probably only two people in the world who will want this coin and that is all it will take to send it to the moooooon. Nobody cares about the 6 billion people in the world who dont want the coin.
That is insane. Congrats to you for finding such a rare coin. Findings like this really gives the average guy a little bit of hope that he or she has the potential to find a "one of a kind" as well.
They also both have to have the money to send it to the moon, and they both have to have the money available at the time it goes on sale, AND they both have to be willing to bid it to the moon. Otherwise we have an abort at liftoff.
Exactly, there are people out there where $400k is like forty bucks to you or me. It's nothing. This coin is worth nowhere near that price, but there are people that COULD spend that money on it and not even miss it. I know "but why would they?". Because they can...