Help with what this might be?

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by cman, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. cman

    cman Junior Member

    I went to a vending machine the other day and got some change. In that change there was a quarter that i have never seen before. Its a 1987 d mint that is very dark, almost black. My camera is currently broken so I can not load any pics, but when i get it fixed i will upload. Any ideas on what thins might be would be much appreciated.
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  3. nss

    nss Gold Plated Member

    It could just be darkness caused by someone heating the coin. It is hard to say without a photo.
  4. cman

    cman Junior Member

    These are the best i could manage. Hope that they help!

    Attached Files:


    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Lots of things can cause that, ammonia, bleach etc. There are any number of household chemicals that can turn coins black.
  6. cman

    cman Junior Member

    Thanks all
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