Guess the Price Difference (No Cheating!)

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Nicholas Molinari, May 13, 2020.

  1. Nicholas Molinari

    Nicholas Molinari Well-Known Member

    I was successful on the first coin but not the second, which went for two increments above my highest bid. I think the price difference between these two coins is interesting. Can you guess it? They were sold about a month apart. The second coin is from the Virzi collection:

    36DA4031-FACD-4A41-9CAE-D617A0955B4C.jpeg 31BB5704-117E-4BEB-AC42-EA2AD110FF43.jpeg
    I’d love to know who the winner is. It is somewhat comforting that there is someone (or two people, in fact) who appreciate this coin as much as I do!
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  3. SamuelFred1

    SamuelFred1 I Guess I'm Kind Of a Decent Member at This Point?

    I've never replied to an ancients thread. I know nothing about them. I am going to make an absolute fool of myself. Is it $400?
    Ryro, Nicholas Molinari and ominus1 like this.
  4. ominus1

    ominus1 Well-Known Member

    ..i love the man faced bull coins.. :)
  5. akeady

    akeady Well-Known Member

    Hmm, €2000?
    Nicholas Molinari likes this.
  6. Only a Poor Old Man

    Only a Poor Old Man Well-Known Member

    I guess they are small denominations, right? The first one should be between £80-£150 and the second one probably between £400-£600?

    I hope I didn't mess it up big time...
  7. Bing

    Bing Illegitimi non carborundum Supporter

    I dunno. Maybe $200 difference?
  8. Justin Lee

    Justin Lee I learn by doing

    I'll swing the other way... $50?
  9. Nicholas Molinari

    Nicholas Molinari Well-Known Member

    They’re about 20mm size. Only a handful of this exact variety exists.
  10. ancient coin hunter

    ancient coin hunter 3rd Century Usurper

  11. svessien

    svessien Senior Member

    I’m guessing something sensational.

    3000 dollars?
  12. Agricantus

    Agricantus Allium aflatunense

    My guess is 10x, like 400 vs 4000
    Nicholas Molinari likes this.
  13. Nicholas Molinari

    Nicholas Molinari Well-Known Member

    Close. The difference is a bit over $4,400. I paid about $87 for mine (shipped) and the second coin hammered for $4500 (including juice). I don’t know what is crazier—the hammer price, or the fact that I would have paid that, knowing the price difference, had I the money in my coin fund!
  14. Ed Snible

    Ed Snible Well-Known Member

    VG $200
    VF ex-Virzi $1750
    diff: $1550
    Nicholas Molinari likes this.
  15. Nicholas Molinari

    Nicholas Molinari Well-Known Member

    I originally estimated the first coin at about $200-400, and the second about $1500-2500.
  16. Agricantus

    Agricantus Allium aflatunense

    Here a pic I took after a recent Roma sale. Look at the price difference. Orders of magnitude. E9700DF4-F3A3-41E8-98A5-27E9A8F38D6C.png
  17. SamuelFred1

    SamuelFred1 I Guess I'm Kind Of a Decent Member at This Point?

    Why is the difference 870 quid? That doesn't make any sense.
  18. akeady

    akeady Well-Known Member

    I think you got a good deal on yours - the other is nice, but... :D

    I saw something similar in an NAC auction last year -

    Lot 461 - 3750SFr + fees:

    Lot 462 - 480SFr + fees:

    I bought lot 462 and it's a beauty!

    Brian Bucklan, kazuma78, Bing and 6 others like this.
  19. dougsmit

    dougsmit Member

    I understand the others showing no great market for rough and ugly coins but Aiden's denarius is off center but IMHO has better style and is worth nearly as much as the expensive one. I was not aware that the high rollers in the hobby cared that much about centering. That one is a surprise.
    If these results don't make sense, I assume you don't buy at auction. I came to this late as usual for me but would have guessed a 3k difference with svessien who thought he was being 'sensational' when actually undershooting. Perhaps we just don't understand people who have way more money than they need and how badly they want to win. For some, 4k more or less means nothing; for others it is life and death. Most of us fall in the middle.
  20. akeady

    akeady Well-Known Member

    Yes - I prefer the portrait style of mine and apart from the off-centre obverse it's a nice coin by any standards. When I saw the previous lot going for as much as it did, I didn't have much hope, so was pleasantly surprised when my bid stuck.

    Nicholas Molinari likes this.
  21. svessien

    svessien Senior Member

    You’re the Tribune of the numismatic plebs, Doug.

    I’m not sure I’m a believer in this 1% vs 99% society, but perhaps that’s how it is. There has always been nobility. Only now we believe that was something we got rid of.

    (Sorry if that was too political)
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