Got Wood?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by BadThad, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I like that 1873. However, the other 2 are hardly viewable even when you click on them. The pix are still too small.
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  3. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    I still can't get them to upload bigger, but at least now when you click on them they show bigger. This is really weird, I've never had these problems before today.
  4. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Still not as big as the 73, but at least not I can see them. Nice looking Indians.
  5. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Very nice Indians as usual Charmy!
  6. krispy

    krispy krispy

    Does this wood effect only occur on these metals being when incorrectly blended or do other metals in alloy display similar or unique features if incorrectly blended? Are there any examples of such effect in non copper coins?
  7. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I have never seen nor heard of other compositions having that effect, but there are a lot of other compositions in use today.
  8. krispy

    krispy krispy

    thanks rlm. that's what I was wondering about. just pondering about how many different alloy types there are these days and if production errs will eventually occur and expose new versions of this genre.
  9. dracula370

    dracula370 Mmmmmmm......Bacon

    My only woodie....
  10. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    A very nice one at that! I really like the "plain" 1909's!
  11. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Some more wood:

    Attached Files:

  12. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    Here's my new woodie! (I also posted this on my MS65 BN thread but it fits better here!)

    Attached Files:

    • 9.jpg
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      187.1 KB
  13. CrustyCoins

    CrustyCoins Twilight Photographer

    Here is one that I photographed for a CU member, it is the only SLQ I have seen with wood.

  14. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Oh yea! Your coins never fail to amaze me! :kewl:
  15. BuffaloNickel86

    BuffaloNickel86 Spare Change Hunter

    Interesting, I've got 3 Lincolns with this same pattern, all from Denver.



  16. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Where did you find them? Those later dates are difficult to find.
  17. covert coins

    covert coins Coin Hoarder

    WOW!!!! that 1917 SLQ is amazing.. Really like that.... I have never seen one with wood like that on a SLQ either...
  18. CrustyCoins

    CrustyCoins Twilight Photographer

    I really like it too, if the owner ever sells it I hope I am on the short list to buy it from him. :)
  19. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    This is absolutely the most defined woodgrain I've ever seen on a modern. I do a lot of roll searching and I found this one tonight....I've never seen anything like it.

  20. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Nice finds, moderns are pretty tough to find with woodgrain.
  21. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    I don't go through rolls looking for them, but you are right. That is about as much graining as I have seen on the moderns.
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