George Washington

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by UnCommonCents, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. UnCommonCents

    UnCommonCents Variety Collector

    Cool clash on a well circulated pres dollar. 20150425_124119.jpg 20150425_124050.jpg 20150425_123901.jpg
    jello, coinman1234 and rooman9 like this.
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  3. coinman1234

    coinman1234 Not a Well-Known Member

    Pretty cool die clash. I have not found a single die clash other than a couple minor morgan clashes.
    UnCommonCents likes this.
  4. rooman9

    rooman9 Lovin Shiny Things

    Wow, I like that one. Looks almost like another spike.
    UnCommonCents likes this.
  5. coop

    coop Senior Member

    Here is what you are seeing.
    The other marks must be die scratches. I see no correlation of them to the overlay.
    jay4202472000 likes this.
  6. UnCommonCents

    UnCommonCents Variety Collector

    Awesome overlay coop! and there are Def some scratches. And the line from the nose above the $
  7. jay4202472000

    jay4202472000 Well-Known Member

    Cool! Washington's face line runs north from the $, and you can also see the light marks from the eye between the $ and 1. Also, the other eye where the dress meets the arm. I like it!
    UnCommonCents likes this.
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