george washington smoking on quarter

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by oklahomie, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. oklahomie

    oklahomie New Member

    The quarter isn't mine. A friend showed it to me. After browsing through other posts I realize my pic is pretty crappy. I am def going to try to post another pic tthat is better because I couldnt see any kind of work done on the quarter. I have been searching the net and the only thing that I have found was an old ebay post of a pendant someone made of a 1964 quarter that looks the same but they cut out Washington. I couldnt find any other info on it but that piece sold for $7.
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  3. vdbpenny1995

    vdbpenny1995 Well-Known Member

    which is made of silver making it worth more on top of the fact the one your are describing is a cut out like you said which is why it sold for $7. Not because thee was a cigar.
  4. snapsalot

    snapsalot Member

    Some hobo nickles sell for thousands though :D
  5. 10gary22

    10gary22 Junior Member

    I haven't seen that one, but I have this
  6. lincolncent

    lincolncent Future Storm Chaser Guy

    Beat me to it! I have on of these as well. Always love a good counterstamped modern. :)
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