Gaming Tokens

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by SchwaVB57, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    I picked up the tokens in an estate buy a few years ago. Found in a box today and have a few questions.
    Are these collected?
    Is the silver spot price more than the collectable value?
    IMG_1675.JPG IMG_1676.JPG IMG_1677.JPG IMG_1678.JPG IMG_1674.JPG IMG_1674.JPG
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  3. Goldsayshi463

    Goldsayshi463 the person who says "hi" all the time

    Wow it looks like a proof
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  4. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    These are called Silver Strikes. Prior to 2005, each $10 gaming token contained six-tenths of an ounce of .999 fine silver. Sometime during 2005, the amount of silver was reduced to one-half an ounce of .999 fine silver.

    You can find more information about them, here:
    ddddd, Goldsayshi463 and SchwaVB57 like this.
  5. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I want to see your Arturo Fuente Hemingway box!
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  6. Circus

    Circus Tokens Only !! TEC#4981

    As been said the amount of silver has been reduced in them, The ring is plated not gold as some claim. Yes some are collected. Depending on the subject matter. I do collect them mostly sold as souvenirs at the casinos. I pick a lot of them up at local pawn shops for a small premium over spot. And occasionally at the LCS I paid around $12.00 last time any came up for sale
    SchwaVB57 likes this.
  7. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    IMG_1679.JPG IMG_1680.JPG IMG_1681.JPG
    ddddd and paddyman98 like this.
  8. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the site and information. I learned something today.
  9. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for the information.
  10. derkerlegand

    derkerlegand Well-Known Member

    Some slot machines would pay these out as a bonus .......infrequently though!
    SchwaVB57 likes this.
  11. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    If you're one of those who "enjoys the hunt", you might want to be on the lookout for the "Wildlife Series" from Slots-A-Fun in Las Vegas. There are some interesting clashes on the reverse of some of them. I believe the site owner of Silver Strikers is still looking for images.
    SchwaVB57 likes this.
  12. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    The last time I visited Slots-A-Fun in Las Vegas was in 2007. They had a pair of machines that paid out nothing but Silver Strikes. It was 75c per game, and the machines were very "loose". I spent about $80 and amassed 77 of the $10 gaming tokens. Of course, I could have cashed them in at the cashier's window, but since each of these gaming tokens were in a plastic airtite, I chose to take them home. I'm glad I did because when silver skyrocketed a few years later, I made out like a bandit when I sold them.

    FWIW, the Stardust also had several slot machines that paid out nothing but $10 gaming tokens, and they were just as "loose" as the machines at Slots-A-Fun.
    derkerlegand and SchwaVB57 like this.
  13. SchwaVB57

    SchwaVB57 Well-Known Member

    These are in plastic airtite holders.
  14. Circus

    Circus Tokens Only !! TEC#4981

    Yes some do and some don't as far as I can tell, or people that get themtake them out of the airtites
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