This time, it's a Barber half dollar. Not quite junk silver as in mixed in with everything else, but rather in the Barber section for $26 x face, at a different coin shop than yesterday. Appears to be a net G-4, reverse is AG but the obverse is considerably better. In other words, I got this for $13, and I may sell it at $45. I'm not attempting to slip a "For Sale" page into this forum; rather, the price tag you see is simply me pricing it when I get home. I'll let the coin do the talking.
That’s a nice one to have. I’m surprised that it was only $13.00. It should have been closer to $35.00. Just over 550,000 were minted.
That's why I love when they make mistakes. I once got an 1825 Bust dime for $3 there, possibly because to them it looked like it didn't have a date, but that's not all. This 1904-S may be just behind the 1921-S half dollar in terms of good finds, but I still love a nice key date. Especially when it's cheap!
I enjoyed hunting Barber halves. There was plenty of variation, from very common to very hard to find, and with a lot of conditional rarities. The 1904-S is fairly easy to find in AG-G, but better start stretching your wallet now if you want it in F or better. The 1901-S is similar.
Maybe I oughta squeeze that 1904-S a little longer! Mr. Whipple hasn't been around, so I've been able to get a lot more coin squeezing done. I also seem to be taking a liking to Barber coins, as that 04-S makes about the 3rd or 4th coin I've gotten from there that are semi-keys. One was an 1897-O quarter in AG, one was an 1894-O dime (very beat up), and now the S. That is seriously one series I need to follow as good as I can. P.S. If you remember commenting on my reference to "Weird Al" Yankovic the other day, here's another one: I had never seen the Mr. Whipple commercials until a short time ago. I heard about him rather from "Dare to Be Stupid". I swear, Al is teaching me a lot of things that I've never heard about!