Follow the lead picture post.

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by ldhair, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

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  3. robec

    robec Junior Member

  4. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

  5. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

  6. ArthurK11

    ArthurK11 Active Member

    Just an average circulated quarter I found in my change to give the thread a bump

    IMAG0872.jpg IMAG0873.jpg
  7. pumpkinpie

    pumpkinpie what is this I don*t even

    Here is a raw PL quarter from a Mint Set I picked up today.
    PL Waxhington '98 combined.jpg
  8. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

    1976 quarter

    Attached Files:

  9. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

  10. ArthurK11

    ArthurK11 Active Member

  11. robec

    robec Junior Member

  12. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

  13. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

    2009 Presidential Dollar

    Attached Files:

  14. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

  15. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

  16. Ripley

    Ripley Senior Member

  17. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Back on track.
  18. pumpkinpie

    pumpkinpie what is this I don*t even

  19. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

    Whoah, wait one minute! How did it go off track?
  20. gbroke

    gbroke Naturally Toned

  21. lonegunlawyer

    lonegunlawyer Numismatist Esq.

    Wait! The next coin after the nickel should have been another nickel or a 1944 coin/commemorative.
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