First known? 1999 Georgia Statehood struck on Nickel Planchet

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by CharlesNC, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. BioEtOH

    BioEtOH Member

    PCGS says: Your coin has been confiscated by the US Mint Secret Service in order to authenticate it :eek:

    .... just kidding!

    Great coin btw - big congrats for acquiring it!
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  3. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    A little humor.. I like it! Hahaha

    Finally the update I've been waiting to post folks.. Just got back from my dealer from picking it back up..

    1999P 25C Mint Error Dbl Denom on Strk 5C...


  4. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Congratulations! Now, wasn't it worth the wait?

  5. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    Very well worth the wait. Feels good having it back in hand.
  6. BadThad

    BadThad Calibrated for Lincolns

    Awesome coin! Congrats!
  7. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    Now if I could just change the title of this thread.. apparently too old.
  8. rodeoclown

    rodeoclown Dodging Bulls

    Now you can try and sell it on eBay for 8.5 million dollars! :thumb:
  9. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    I think you may be a smidge high.. I was thinking 8.25
  10. rodeoclown

    rodeoclown Dodging Bulls

    It's the inside joke on another member who was trying to sell his "CENT on Dime" error for that amount. ;)
  11. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    Don't know the inside joke, definitely caught the humor. LoL

    I'm not sure whether I want to keep it, or sell it, or auction it.. etc. SO very torn...
  12. rodeoclown

    rodeoclown Dodging Bulls

    I'd say keep it, it's a conversation starter for sure. ;)
  13. kookoox10

    kookoox10 ANA #3168546

    And I hate to say it, but I think this error is a tad bit cooler. And worth every bit the 8.25 mils in an auction. I can imagine the fees will be a little ridiculous though. :eek:
  14. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    For what it is worth, Fred Weinberg doesn't list anything but Lincoln cents on dime planchets on his website. There are a few that are dual-date, but all of them are listed at 4-figure prices. One time at the FUN Show, I showed him my Kennedy half missing the reverse clad layer of which there are only two known for that date/mm, and he said it was only worth $125. Yeah, right!

    Seeing as how it has been 12 years since the GA SQ's were struck, I'd say you have a very, very rare piece.

  15. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    I'd have to agree.. in another thread I had started in the "What's it worth" Forum (Yes, I started 2 threads, one for confirmation, one for value), it was said that this is the only State Quarter Double Denomination seen by anyone. Although that is very very cool, and obviously makes it extremely rare.. How do you put a dollar amount on it?


    This here lists it at $7,500-10,000... but is that realistic? Too high? Too low due to rarity? Right on the money?
  16. rodeoclown

    rodeoclown Dodging Bulls

    Honestly, you can't, no guide or expert can give you a real value. It depends on the people interested in buying it and what price they'll end up paying to get it in their possession.

    I'm not an error coin collector myself, the most I'm willing to pay for it is 30 cents since I can't decide whether it's a nickel or quarter, so I'm willing to lose 5 cents or 25 cents out of the deal. ;)
  17. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    It's impossible to know what it would be worth. Yes, you might find a collector who would be willing to pay something in that price range outside of an auction venue, but if it were listed at auction, there might be just one bidder willing to pay a high-dollar amount while others are just trying to get it cheap. However, if two or more "serious" collectors were trying to win the auction, there is no telling how high it could go.

    If you just wanted to test the marketplace to get an idea of it's value, you might try listing it as a $10,000 "BIN" with a "Make Offer" to see if you get any responses.

  18. CharlesNC

    CharlesNC Member

    I'm assuming you mean on eBay? I couldn't find anything on HA that states they allow BIN OBO
  19. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Yes, on eBay just to test the market.

  20. CashDude

    CashDude Member

    You would be lucky to get $2000 for it IMO. $7500 is way too high. Just IMHO of course.

    EDIT: I saw that it was a double denomination, rather than a simple off-metal strike. In that case, I raise my estimate to $4000ish. There are some serious state quarter error collectors out there.
  21. redwin117

    redwin117 Junior Member

    In my own opinion is same, First his Double Denomination is not a Major Dramatic. (The most dramatic are those with considerable design visible from the original strike.) No dual date lack of details of a nickel,second is not very popular like cent on dime or cent on nickel.But He can try to sell any amount he wanted, anyway it certified.;)
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