FINALLY!!! My PAWN STARS episode is airing next MONDAY!!!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by The Penny Lady®, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. halvessearcher

    halvessearcher Active Member

    I enjoyed watching the show and reading everything you wrote about your experience. When are you going to bring another item in? :)
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  3. Stang1968

    Stang1968 Member

    I DVR'd it but haven't watched the episode yet- but I did watch the clip online. Cool item- that's something I would've liked to have owned as well.
  4. mralexanderb

    mralexanderb Coin Collector

    Very nice, Charmy. I can't wait until they call you in as a coin expert. You'll blow their socks off.
  5. Cazkaboom

    Cazkaboom One for all, all for me.

    That was a good episode in my opinion. Thanks for sharing!
  6. mikenoodle

    mikenoodle The Village Idiot Supporter

    loved it! congrats, Charmy!!!
  7. mark_h

    mark_h Somewhere over the rainbow

    Agreed nicely done. I saw it monday night - would not even flip the channel during a commercial. Good luck.
  8. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    Thanks again Everyone, I was so nervous how the edited version would turn out, and I really really appreciate all the kind and positive comments!

    FYI, my brother edited the Pawn Stars episode so that my segment shows all by itself and it's now posted on YouTube: Charmy's Pawn Stars Episode
  9. slippinin

    slippinin New Member

    I finally got around to watching this, nice appearance. I figured it would be for a coin when i first saw this post. I generally don't watch these shows much, watching people get ripped off isn't a usual pastime of mine. It's just scavengers making money off of the terrible condition of the country, and now it's entertainment for everyone. Ridiculous. The one I keep wondering about is storage wars, why would people leave thousands of dollars worth of stuff in a storage locker? It makes you wonder why they didn't take something out of storage and sell it to pay the 100 bucks the rent would have cost. What happened to those people? Did they die, or just say screw that 5 grand worth of stuff and all of our household furniture, I can't come up with a hundred bucks for storage rent so scavengers can have at it. I don't know, there's just some weird kind of disconnect there.
  10. hontonai

    hontonai Registered Contrarian

    Not a big fan of "reality" shows, but what the heck, it's about coins.


    Kinda disappointing.
  11. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    Coins/camera..... tomAto/tomauto! Guess you can't please everyone! :rolleyes:
  12. beachbum99

    beachbum99 Member

    Storage wars was proven to be staged via youtube. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
  13. 1970 Silver Art

    1970 Silver Art Silver Art Bar Collector

    I saw that Pawn Stars episode called "Dirty Sox" and I thought that you did very well in that episode IMO.
  14. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    wrong show.
  15. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    RLM, I haven't been on Storage Wars - nor can I imagine any reason I would be!
  16. rlm's cents

    rlm's cents Numismatist

    Sorry! Misread it.
  17. TheNickelGuy

    TheNickelGuy Yippie I Oh

    I watched the Dirty Sox episode on the link provided in this forum string. I thought you appeared very cool, calm and collected. I hope they call you in to check out things like when they had that 1932 S Quarter with the added mintmark instead of somebody else.
    As far as that camera goes, you did good enough. It's not like there was a big line outside the next day looking for one of those. I think you can visit it now and then if you miss it. Bet they put $785.00 on it after it went on thier shelf.
    Good for you on both events, getting on the show and getting that honkin big old camera off your shelf.
  18. GreatWalrus


    I was just watching the pawn stars shows I recorded and once I saw a camera and the penny lady I remembered the thread you made earlier this year! You did a pretty good job negotiating and your interview afterward was funny :)
  19. slippinin

    slippinin New Member

    That was my bad, I mentioned it in my other comment. Didn't see the youtube thing the other poster was talking about. Now there's a couple of trading morons running around ripping people off too. If these shows tell you anything, *cough* comic book men *cough*, it's that things that they sell you as collectables really aren't that collectable, it's just a way for them to take your money and then screw you when you get in a bind. Really collectable things aren't generally available in any store in america. That was a cool camera though, did you consider trying it on ebay to see what it would bring in?
  20. The Penny Lady®

    The Penny Lady® Coin Dealer

    I'm not going to get into a debate with you but since I doubt you have any actual personal experience with the Pawn Stars show, you don't really know what you're talking about. And I'm sorry for you that you have such a skewed view of how business is conducted in America.
  21. onejinx

    onejinx Junior Member

    I'll try to explain why for you. Hopefully you never have to experience some of the things less fortunate people in this country deal with on a daily basis

    People fall on hard times, they lose their jobs. With that comes added stress and even more if married. They worry about paying their basic bills like rent/mortgage, food, electric. It isn't that they don't want to pay the storage bill or any of their other bills. It just comes down to which bills do they pay first. They prioritize their bills and sometimes they have to make the decision not to pay certain bills.
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