Favorite state quarter to date is...

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Andy, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    Pilgrim, excuse my sense of humor. Hellen Keller did have legs and she is truly a hero in terms of inner strengh and what she overcame with that power. As for coins, I have to admit that I haven't had the time to look up the newer coins yet and so far they haven't circulated where I live since tourist season is over and the population decreased in half. However, your posting brought this thread out of limbo and reminded me of a few good people I need to respond to, so thank you.
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  3. rolltide

    rolltide Member

    Bear Bryant...now that's what I'm talkin about.
  4. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    "Bear Bryant...now that's what I'm talkin about."

    Yeah rolltide, the Bear on any Alabama coin would be the real deal and as far as Joe Willie Namath is concern, maybe instead of being on an Alabama coin (as I early proposed jokingly) he should be on the New York quarter throwing a pass at the Statue of Liberty. Pass get it.
  5. GoldEagle

    GoldEagle New Member

    I like the detail in the Arkansas and Missouri state quarters the best. The Maine state quarter design is my favorite though.
  6. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    GoldEagle, Maine seems to be a big favorite. I will most likely be adding up the results after the weekend and we see what state is the current winner. After that, we could continue with the new coins on this thread or let someone else have some fun with a new thread on this topic.
  7. GoldEagle

    GoldEagle New Member


    I agree it would have been great if Bear Bryant had been honored on the Alabama state quarter. Everyone knows he is a legend.

    Since you weren't thrilled with the Florida state quarter design would you be more content with a design that featured the likeness of Steve (Superior) Spurrier or Bobby Bowden?

  8. rbm86

    rbm86 Coin Hoarder

    After Spurrier's stint with the Redskins, I don't think they would even put his picture on a paper cup!!! :D

  9. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    GoldEagle and rbm86 you both made some insightful remarks in regards to the Florida coin. If we were to go for a football theme, and football is king here in Florida, then perhaps we should have put Burt Reynolds on the coin. After all he was born here, raised here, played college football here, made some movies down here, made some great football movies period, and still lives here.
    I had four choices myself, good old Burt, Barbara Eden for "I dream of Jeannie", Florida topic in so many ways, a college student losing his cookies on the beach or an active adult in a walker passing another active adult who is driving a very expensive convertable.
    Thank you for your time and attention to this miscarriage of coinage.
  10. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    The winner is...Connecticut being the favorite choice among those who submitted their views. Something about that tree. New Jersey, Maine, and the great state of Texas were tied for second. If anyone wants to pick this thread topic up from here with there own twist, please do. I had my fun and now it is up to you.
  11. rbm86

    rbm86 Coin Hoarder

    What is the prize for residents of the winning state??? :D
  12. pnutbuttercup

    pnutbuttercup New Member

    LOL, yall are nuts!

    Sitting here reading all of your replys, I have come to the decision that I really like this forum!
    Ya'll are crazy! Being a southern gal myself, I am proud of my state, which is South Carolina but I dont like our quarter.
    Its to hard to pick just one, but if I must it is the one with the maple scene on it..... (and I had to look to see what state that was)
    anyway.... I have two others and they would be.....
    Mississippi....because I love magnolia's
    Maine....because I love the lighthouse
  13. CohibaCris

    CohibaCris New Member

    Insanity and passion are never too far away :D - Rogers
  14. Bacchus

    Bacchus Coin Duffer

    Right now my favorite is Virginia, followed by Maine.

    Overall, I don't think the state quarters are very good coin designs. At least they're only being minted for a year each, but of course they'll be around forever.

    I still like the program, though, both for what it has done for the hobby and because it's fun.
  15. National dealer

    National dealer New Member

    Mississippi still gets my nod, but I am holding out hope for the Nevada quarter. Would love to see the CC mint mark incorporated into the design somehow.
  16. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    They get to stay Connecticut and still root for the Yankees without having to live in New York.

    As far as the Nevada coin is concerned, I heard that they were going to have a picture of the Mustang Ranch on the coin behind a slot machine with the slogan, "Always looking for a s-----".
  17. goossen

    goossen Senior Member

    My favourite is Maine. But i never knew about that state! Where is it? Sorry for my ignorance i hope nobody was offended... :confused:
  18. Andy

    Andy Coin Collector

    No problem, the United States is a very large nation. It is up near Canada on the Atlantic Sea Board. Very beautiful land in spring and summer but very cold in winter. Known for it's lobster, the Thousand Islands and Bar Harbor which may be it's best known vacation resort in the state. Quite a few Modern Day American Authors come from that state as well which is something for not to many people live there in comparison to the rest of the Eastern United States, (cold and very snowy in winter). They do have a good quarter.
  19. Exiled

    Exiled New Member

    No offense goossen, some people living there don't know where it is. I am an "Economic Exile" from Maine living in Nevada but I still like to go back to visit.

    So, Maine did a decent job on it's choice of reverse, I like it and bought two US Mint rolls. :D

    I was hoping Nevada would have an A-Bomb test but since they nixed it on the license plate they probably won't put it on the quarter. Look for a miner and a donkey maybe.
  20. Bacchus

    Bacchus Coin Duffer


    Maybe the Mustang Ranch ?

  21. goossen

    goossen Senior Member

    Thanks for your answers! One more time i can say that collecting coins teach you many things... :)
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