Error coin question

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by laceross, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. laceross

    laceross New Member

    Is this an error? If so, is it worth much?

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  3. satootoko

    satootoko Retired

    Welcome to the forum. I hope that you didn't pay someone for that coin, and that the 2x2 it is in isn't too marked up for reuse.
    Undoubtedly dated 1982 or later, it's an ordinary zinc cent, originally copper plated, that has suffered a whole lot of damage. :eek:
  4. Metalman

    Metalman New Member

    Roy ???? It is a wheat cent !! I think a 43 steel cent by the color,, Looks like it got stuck in coin counting machine, I have seen some damaged like that but never one this much.

    But I agree with Roy ,,I hope you didnt have to buy it .

  5. satootoko

    satootoko Retired

    Of course you are right Rick. An extreme case of operating "submit" button before placing brain in gear. :eek: (Where did that darn "foot in mouth" icon escape to?)
  6. laceross

    laceross New Member

    Thanks guys

    Well, the good news is I didn't pay for it --the bad news -- it's in amongst a whole bucket of "supposed" coin errors picked up at a garage sale sometime in the last 20 years by my grandmother - guess I'll keep slogging thru them - perhaps I'll find a winner in the bunch. Looks like I'll be learning alot about error coins in the days ahead......thanks for helping out the newbie.......Lace
  7. laceross

    laceross New Member

    Thanks guys

    Well, the good news is I didn't pay for it -- it's in amongst a whole bucket of "supposed" error coins - been in grandmas storage shed who knows how long - guess I'll keep slogging thru them - perhaps I'll find a winner in the bunch. Thanks for helping out the newbie.......Lace
  8. laceross

    laceross New Member

    RE: Thank you forum

    Good afternoon again everyone - and a thank you to all who have been so honest and helpful. I have been browsing and reading but must confess -- I'm certainly confused by it all. With your indulgence, I'm shamelessly abusing your knowledge when I come across something that with my untrained eye looks interesting -- when I've wasted enough of your time or strained the forums patience, please feel free to let me know - I'll immediately desist in popping in univited. Thanks to all - and here's the coin in question:

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    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Not sure what the question is with this one laceross ? I see a very worn Mercury dime, possibly 194 5, 6 or 8 - as I can't make out the last digit. But I don't see anything right off out of the ordinary. Is that what you are after - to identify the coin ?
  10. Peabody

    Peabody New Member

    Thanks GDJMSP

    Thank you GDJMSP,

    I was actually hoping it was something good - I have several really worn ones, this one just looked funky on the edges and stuff -- thank you for your time! Lace
  11. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    You're welcome, but why the new user ID ?
  12. Peabody

    Peabody New Member

    Hi, that was my daughter, Lacey, using my computer to sign me up, too. I'm Lace's Mother, i.e. - Peabody. : ) I have a lot of funny looking coins I've collected over the years and she thought I might learn something on your forum. She says you've been very kind to her. Thank you.
  13. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Ahhhhhhhh - it all makes sense now ;)

    Welcome to you too Mom :D Feel free to ask any questions ya like !
  14. cwtokenman

    cwtokenman Coin Hoarder

    I could be wayyyyyy off base here, and I have not collected Mercs for about 30 years, but my first thought after looking at the picture was that it is a cast fake. The pattern of wear does not seem at all typical from what I remember. To me, it looks like there is a "1" between the "9" and the "4", making the date 1914, two years prior to actual issue. The "4" also looks way out of proper position (too low). The details are not at all sharp, pitting is evident, and hard to be sure from the photo, but the fields look a bit grainy. All signs of a casting. The "In God We" is essentially non-existant, with "Trust" barely visible. Even in G-4 the letters and date should be clear. How big is this coin?
  15. Peabody

    Peabody New Member

    CW - thank you for the input. Hi - this is Lace's Mom, Peabody. : ) Lace is at a golf tournament today...she's GOOD!

    I looked at the picture she took of this Merury dime doesn't show the coin well. I have LOTS of old Mercury dimes and they wear..uh..flat around the outside. This is WAY different.. a beautiful extra shiney coin - oddly shiney. I thought it might be something good because ...the face is 'high', no "wear" on the edges. The back is beautiful, odd, shiney, too, with haze on it. I saw a picture on a sales site and it sure looked like a 'Die Trial?'. But, we're new at this. I know just enough to know - that it could be several different things... : ) Maybe she could take better pictures and - one of the back.
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