Ebay's Funniest Moments - Scavenger Hunt Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by HandsomeToad, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    That explains an awful lot!
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  3. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    i think we should tell allt he contestants to go back and edit their thread so only their best entry is left. this will make things faster :D
  4. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    LOL, I have too many good ones, But half of mine are probably expired by now..:computer:
  5. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    at least delete the ones that have expired
  6. Harryj

    Harryj Supporter**

  7. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

  8. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    I agree! Too many of the entries are dead links, so all contestants have till Friday night to edit their posts and place one entry for each catagory (max two entries) and new entries will be allowed. But edited posts only so if you didn't enter the contest prior to closing, you can't enter now. ;)

    Ribbit :)
  9. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    Has everyone amended their entry so all the dead links are replaced with good ones for the contest? :) I gave you all a little more time to try and find a new entry, since so many had dead links.

    I didn't realize Ebay killed them so soon or I would have ended the contest sooner, that's why I have given everyone a little more time to place new entries in your original posts. :)

    Ribbit :)
  10. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    guys we need some answers if the posts are not edited by monday the 21st we wont be able to count those entries towards the contest :)
  11. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    Agreed! :)

    At least edit your entry and say it's good to go, or something along those lines. ;)

    Ribbit :)
  12. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    even better if we see more than one entry per section we will just move to the next contestant
  13. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    Or if it doesn't show it's been edited recently. ;)

    Ribbit :)
  14. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    If you are going to change the rules after the contest ends, then it isn't a contest.

    Do what ever you all want to do.
  15. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    We didn't change them, we had to modify things since so many entries were dead links. I lwet the contest go for too long of a period and that's what messed up everything. I didn't know Ebay kill the auctions so soon. Now I do so I am allowing peeps to fix their dead link entries in order to have some kind of entry. I believe it's the only fair thing to do, it's eithr that or whoever had working links had an advantage even though they were not the funniest entry.

    RIbbit :)
  16. Parklane64

    Parklane64 Member

  17. snaz

    snaz Registry fever

    is this contest still on?
  18. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    well the entries were supposed to be edited by 7/21 but i dont know what happened. Toad? whats the status?
  19. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Then ignore the dead links.
    And move on.
  20. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    I have made my choices, now to consult with Spock to determine the winners. :D Sorry for the delay, there were so many entries it took me a while to go through all of them. :goofer:

    Ribbit :)
  21. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    The contest that never was.
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