Ebay's Funniest Moments - Scavenger Hunt Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by HandsomeToad, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. cesariojpn

    cesariojpn Coin Hoarder

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  3. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Well-Known Member

    LOL, some good ones so far, but I think Treashunt has taken the cake. :D :thumb:

    Phoenix :cool:
  4. cesariojpn

    cesariojpn Coin Hoarder

  5. the collector

    the collector *Aussie Coins Collector*

  6. the collector

    the collector *Aussie Coins Collector*

  7. the collector

    the collector *Aussie Coins Collector*

  8. the collector

    the collector *Aussie Coins Collector*

  9. eddyk

    eddyk New-mismatist

  10. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Yup, saw that one, but it was too much, even for me.
  11. eddyk

    eddyk New-mismatist

    I dunno, I wasn't that impressed. :D
  12. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

  13. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

    Hey contest peeps, :)

    When posting entries, please remember the rules - one entry post per person but you can edit it and insert as many entries on that one post as you want. Do not make seperate posts for each individual entry. That will clutter up this contest thread and make it difficult to navigate, like it has already become because peeps didn't read the rules. :p

    Ribbit :)

    Ps: If you have made more than one entry and on seperate posts, delete the contents of your secondary post(s) and put everything on your first post. ;)
  14. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    if that doesnt happen then it will lead to disqualification. Oh being a judge is so much fun :D
  15. HandsomeToad

    HandsomeToad Urinist

  16. scottishmoney

    scottishmoney Buh bye

  17. cherylkubucko

    cherylkubucko Grandma Froggie

    Playing catch up. check them out.
  18. CoinGal07

    CoinGal07 Still Collecting

    1) - i wish there were a way to remove the post if you remove what has been deleted --- we still have to scroll through the 'edited/deleted' posts to get through the thread - just a suggestion

    2) - i imagine this will be edited or deleted as it isn't directly related to 'ebay' funny ads - but i saw this link and am still laughing. just how gullible ARE people to pay 25k for a .99ct diamond just because they THINK it may be from 'their loved ones'.

  19. Phoenix21

    Phoenix21 Well-Known Member

    Bad, bad Frank. :D

    Phoenix :cool:
  20. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    I didn't real all of the directions!

    So - sorry all.
  21. Speedy

    Speedy Researching Coins Supporter

    You mean like it is now ? :D :D

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