WTS: Early Hellenistic Coinage

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by Valentinian, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Valentinian

    Valentinian Well-Known Member

    Morkholm, Otto. Early Hellenistic Coinage. [$91 on Amazon (ignore the offering at $1563!). $92 on ABE. None on vcoins. [Here $59 + $5 shipping in the US only]

    The most up-to-date scholarly work on the subject.

    "This is the first full study of early Hellenistic coinage to be published. It provides a history of the coinage of Alexander the Great and his successors in the Near and Middle East, and of the cities of Greece and Asia Minor, down to the establishment of Rome as a major power in the East as a result of her defeat of Antiochus III of Syria at the battle of Magnesia in 189 BC. It is fully illustrated and will provide historians and collectors with a detailed and authoritative guide to the coinage of the period."

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