Do you use the CPG?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by John Skelton, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    I recently came across what I think is a great value. I have been thinking about getting the Cherrypicker's Guide, both volumes. I know the hardback version is very expensive, but I can get both for my Kindle for about $30.

    What I'd like to know is, do you good people find it useful? I already have the books I need for the coins I collect, so would these two books add any value? Of course it would be a bit easier to use on my tablet than the books, and I would always have it with me. Plus it's easier to carry.

    What say you?
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  3. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    J.T. Stanton (R.I.P.) was a good friend, so I consider it an honor to have the books.
    spirityoda likes this.
  4. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    I don't find them terribly useful, personally. I find their numbering scheme confusing and unhelpful. They generally only list significant varieties, but if I'm trying to identify a DDO and it isn't listed in CPG, I have to go to the book that I should have started in anyways.

    I much prefer this site:
    John Burgess likes this.
  5. Robert Ransom

    Robert Ransom Well-Known Member

    Kindle sounds better. Instant access to specific coin.
  6. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    I'll take it into consideration. I have that site bookmarked, but I may be somewhere and not have internet access.
  7. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think having the books on my reference shelf has been helpful. I picked up both on Amazon for $40 last year. Granted, I've only used them half a dozen times, after my initial perusal, but I like having them available to me.
  8. John Skelton

    John Skelton Morgan man!

    Did you buy them used? I looked at Amazon and both were going for over $100.
  9. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    I believe they were used, but like new condition. I really can't remember, but I just searched for the cheapest ones and bought them. Got them from separate parties, one was even free shipping.
  10. John Burgess

    John Burgess Well-Known Member

    I need to look at the used book stores ion my area and maybe get lucky, the Amazon prices are now officially atrocious! LOL

    I wanted them for years, never got around to it, and now it's out of print and expensive.
  11. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor

    The cherry picker's guide does eliminate many of the questionable listings in other guides. Usually the collector needing such help is not trying to gather a collection such as all varieties issued in 1960 ( most of which have little value), But what are the ones worth a Lot of money!!!

    From what I see of the new members and some of the old members What good is a collection of 45 different varieties if all except one is close to face value? Few come and ask if a coin is a worth less than $2. They want the '36,'55m,60D, 72, 95 ( well some do) DDs work 3 or more figures. Maybe some are purists, but most are hoping for a nice return , IMO, Jim
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