Do We Really Want Lady Liberty Back On Our Coins?

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by CamaroDMD, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. jlogan

    jlogan Well-Known Member

    but if the dollar was backed entirely by silver and not a fiat currency, its value would change with the silver price and we wouldnt have to worry about the value of our coins exceeding the value of the dollar. in the mid 1960s we had silver certificates... but we also had US notes and federal reserve notes, so only a portion of the currency was backed in silver
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  3. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title] Supporter

    Also intention with this topic was to discuss coins and what should be on them. People constantly say they want Liberty back...but my thought was, with the modern coin would we really get what we want.

    I don't want this thread to turn into a political discussion. I know the main topic is inherently a little on the political side...but lets be careful it doesn't drift too far. I'd hate to have to lock my own thread. :confused:
    medjoy and Hotpocket like this.
  4. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title] Supporter

    My understanding is...we tried this and it was too volatile. That is why no major country is on a metal standard any longer.

    I think the dream of having silver coins again is nothing more than a dream. We have clad coins now and they are here until that metal becomes too valuable and is switched out with something else.

    My concern is...would such a coin due Lady Liberty justice?
  5. jlogan

    jlogan Well-Known Member

    IMO, none of our coins look great regardless of design because theyre so flat.
  6. treylxapi47

    treylxapi47 Well-Known Member Dealer

    You know whats better than 'bringing lady liberty back' dont you? Using some of those patterns that were around. Some of those would have made KILLER coins and its a shame we will never get to own any of them (most of us anyway). Theres literally like hundreds of unused patterns, surely we could either use those as 'modern commemoratives' to bring those back, or just issue them as circulating coins to change things up a bit.

    Just an idea that popped into my head.
    Numis-addict likes this.
  7. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title] Supporter

    Actually...I wonder if there was some griping about the coins all have the same design. The cent was unique. But, the dime, quarter and half were all identical and the nickel was quite similar. The dollar was also unique. As for gold...they all had the same design too. Our coins (of which there was 10 denominations) had a total of 5 designs.
  8. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title] Supporter

    I agree...that's part of the problem. They are not about art anymore but about having a design that can be massed produced at a minimal cost.
  9. Detecto92

    Detecto92 Well-Known Member

    I just wish the mint would make some sort of commemorative set with lady liberty on them.

    Be nice to see a proof set with a large cent, half dime, liberty dime, standing liberty quarter, capped bust half dollar, and a trade dollar in silver.

    They would be dated 2014 so the chance of them being passed off as old coins would be low.

    Canada and other countries have made "tribute sets" so I'm not sure what the issue would be.

    I know if the mint made such a thing the collecting populace would eat it right up, and then no one would have to worry about the current design changing.
    longnine009 likes this.
  10. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    If you look at the Educational Series of paper currency, they had allegorical figures for industry, education, commerce, transportation, etc.... These were/are considered some of the most desirable notes every created by the BEP. Why not use the same format for our coins? Each one of those concepts shows the strength of America, both past and present.
    treylxapi47 likes this.
  11. Hotpocket

    Hotpocket Supreme Overlord

    I agree. But I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Currency should be produced efficiently, not extravagantly... otherwise we would all be complaining that the cost of production is too high and we are being over-taxed because of it.

    I guess the ask is for the mint to produce better looking coins at current or lower price point. Not sure they are capable of doing so...
  12. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title] Supporter

    I completely agree.
  13. Hotpocket

    Hotpocket Supreme Overlord

    Finally! Someone recognizes my brilliance!

    (ref: see page 1, post #8)
  14. CamaroDMD

    CamaroDMD [Insert Clever Title] Supporter

    You mean post #7? :

  15. Ruben

    Ruben Member

    While low relief may detract somewhat from the visual impact of a coin.......a low relief lady liberty would still look much better than a low relief Roosevelt.
  16. fiatfiasco

    fiatfiasco Nasty Details Member

    I believe the only president that should be on our coinage should be those who lost their life in office. Washington could be added to that short list too. But otherwise, it should be images of ideals we hold high, ie, Liberty, Freedom, Equality, etc
  17. 2schnauzers2luv

    2schnauzers2luv Junior Member

    I seen a design of a more youthful Lady Liberty on a coin that I think was up for consideration by the CAC that I really liked. Can't remember which coin or commemorative or what ever that was. But it was about 3 or 4 years ago. Been trying to find the design online, but no luck.

    She was walking through a wheat field and a dove was about to land on her arm or hand. Very modern look for her. Long hair. Beautiful girl. Anybody know what coin that was?

    I'm thinking maybe the CAC felt she was showing a little too much leg though, because I've never seen it in person.
  18. coleguy

    coleguy Coin Collector

    To me a low relief Liberty is still far more appealing than a low relief marbled bust of a dead dude. I'd take my chances.
  19. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    I heard they're going to redo the 1987 Constitution commemorative silver dollar next year. Rather than read, "We the People", it will read, "We the Corporations".
  20. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    Could have been the 2011 Platinum Eagle. (scroll down a little). At least that was the design I thought of when reading your description. :) Not sure whether the design could "work" on a relatively small and flat circulation coin, but it sure is attractive ...

  21. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    "Risky Political Move" by (against) whom?

    Fellow congressmen?

    Or perhaps folks that don't even "know" that Kennedy is still on a half dollar?
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