Do pcgs slabbed coins demand more? Poll #2

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by mpcusa, Apr 1, 2010.



  1. Yes PCGS slabbed coins are worth more

    26 vote(s)
  2. Equal to others such as NGC

    13 vote(s)
  3. Equal to others such as ANACS

    0 vote(s)
  4. All TPG,S are the same

    1 vote(s)

    RUFUSREDDOG Senior Member


    My opinion~

    I don't collect slabs but I have a collection of coins & a few are in slabs.....all kinds of slabs.

    Just this week I bid on and won a coin that arrived in a PCGS slab.
    It made no difference to me, if the coin was as advertised.

    Now I seem to be collecting slabs as a side effect as I have a whole alphabet (Alpha Bet?) soup stash of coins preserved in plastic.

    Does one "demand" more than the other?

    Does one "warrent" more than the other?

    I try to look past the sheen of the package myself. Heck,the SGS slab I got in a lot keeps me from thumbing the fool coin up as well as any other.

    Now the concern seems to be which will bring more profit for the fake HK slab makers. So I try to just lust after the content which means I'm finding RAW more fun to pursue and ignore the wrappers.

    But that is just me.

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  3. PennyGuy

    PennyGuy US and CDN Copper

    A small portion of my total collection is slabbed. IF the question asked had been.....Would/Do you pay more for an identical coin in a PCGS slab versus a NGC slab? I would answer Of course not! Asked the way the question was I would answer..Not to me!
  4. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Talk about being frustrated!! Oh well based on the poll i think most
    People understand what iam trying to say, Its just a matter of
    Opinion anyway and since everybody seems to have a different
    One i guess we can just leave at that :)

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    There is nothing wrong with your question. But there is something wrong with the answers you chose to make available - none of your choices are accurate. And that is what people have been trying to tell you.

    But don't take my word for it - prove it to yourself. The answer is not an opinion etiher - it is a matter of fact. All you have to do is look it up to see the facts. And the fact is -

    Sometimes PCGS sells for more - and sometimes NGC sells for more.
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