Dime fake alert

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by usmc60, May 13, 2016.

  1. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    I would like to start off this thread by thinking some of the members on the other thread concerning these coins. You gave me some very helpful advice that I took advantage of in order to improve myself. For that I think you. Now to the alert this is only speculation on my part, under examination and after receiving my new scale that was up to the job of giving me a correct weight. Some of the coins were overweight. At that point I ruled out chemical toning. I thought what would add weight to a coin that would not be visible to the naked eye. Electroplating someone in the South Florida area has a electroplated Some dimes I have in my possession. I would only assume there are others out there. The first penny I am showing in the single photo, is the first penny on the other thread, after scraping off the top layer of copper to expose the nickel underneath. The other photo is a collection of the coins I have received. fk06p-1.jpg IMG_0320.JPG :blackalien:
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  3. furryfrog02

    furryfrog02 Well-Known Member

  4. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    you could of had a clad layer missing on that dime. but since you scraped off some of the copper.... you just ruined the value of an error coin. you need to buy a book on error coins. the bottom picture looks like gold plated dimes ??? :muted::blackeye::bookworm::dead::nurse:
  5. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Thank you for your advice. Since these coins are being sold now as training aids to some coin clubs, to show what a electroplated coin looks like. I believe they sell for around $.35. So I not losing that much money, $.25 will not put me in the poor house. But again thank you for your quote:happy::blackalien:
  6. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Just an add-on. the coin I'm showing weighed in at 2.30 gram I believe that is a little overweight for a Dime that's supposed to be missing its clad layer.?:blackalien:
    old49er likes this.
  7. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Even though your reply is not helpful I will thank you anyways:bigtears::blackalien:
  8. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    what does the reverse side of the that dime look like ? post a picture please.
  9. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    the regular weight of a dime is 2.27 grams. I am not sure what the tolerance weight level is for the dime ?
    old49er likes this.
  10. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    I hope you do realize that there are improperly annealed errors out there too, that very much resemble a copper coin.
    20160406_230814-1.jpg 20160406_230725-1.jpg
    old49er and spirityoda like this.
  11. KoinJester

    KoinJester Well-Known Member

    Nevermind already covered
    old49er likes this.
  12. old49er

    old49er Well-Known Member

    Live and learn I say. now you know what to lookout for
  13. old49er

    old49er Well-Known Member

    believe me, all is not as it appears in the coin kingdom. look at the omega man gold copies
  14. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    More than happy to comply. You have a photo of the before scraping, and the reverse like you requested,:happy: 001-3.jpg 001-4.jpg
    old49er likes this.
  15. old49er

    old49er Well-Known Member

    That's a great example of counterfeit,or?. Arrow through the neck variety? I want one.
  16. old49er

    old49er Well-Known Member

    Just jokin... after all...counterfeits are another realm of collectors... and do demand enormous sums
  17. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    so what you are saying this coin was copper plated then ?
  18. old49er

    old49er Well-Known Member

    nope its obviously a counterfeit, with the die/mold engraved with the arrow... but I,m no pro. so take my post as an amateurish , joker...just jokin around.your guess is as good as mine, as to what this abnormality is? :cigar: I personaly think toned , artificially toned , though that don't explain the weight difference
    Last edited: May 13, 2016
  19. Conder101

    Conder101 Numismatist

    +/- .091 grams Gives you a range of 2.18 to 2.36 grams.
    spirityoda likes this.
  20. usmc60

    usmc60 SEMPER FI

    Very informative information. I was unaware there could be such a weight difference from the 2.27. So I had a roll of circulated dimes and weighed them individually. To see what the variance would be. It was a good mix of dates and p and d mints. The weights range from 2.28 on the high-end and 2.22 on the low end and that's out of a whole roll of dimes.Most of the newer dimes tended to hold a weight consistent of 2.26 to 2.25. Interesting?:happy::blackalien:\V/
  21. thatguyonline

    thatguyonline New Member

    Here's a 2001 penny dime [emoji854] [​IMG]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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