Diamond in the rough?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Pickin and Grinin, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I made it to a pawn shop today. I bought a few bags of misc silver. 33 silver coins.
    There is a Few I want to show off. 10 centavos and sixpence obv.jpg 10 centavos and sixpence rev.jpg Georgius 3 pence obv.jpg georgius 3 pence rev.jpg This Georgius flips top to bottom Georgious Rev Flips American.jpg georgious obv flips American.jpg Liberty cap obv.jpg Liberty cap left rev.jpg Any comments on individual coins would be appreciated.The liberty cap?
    miedbe7 and jj00 like this.
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  3. miedbe7

    miedbe7 Wayward Collector

    I like that Chihuahua 10 centavos. Not the rarest date, but a nice pickup nonetheless.
    spirityoda likes this.
  4. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    It's sharply struck. Any thoughts on value?
  5. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I could be wrong but do the fields looks proof like? It definately dosen't look cleaned.
  6. miedbe7

    miedbe7 Wayward Collector

    Two are up on Ebay @ 35 and 23 as BINs. Yours is in a lower grade. $5-$10 perhaps? Just throwing darts however. There is an overdate for that year according to ngc price guide, an inverted 9. Alas, I don't see it on your coin.

    Edit: actually the two on eBay arent THAT much better than yours. So if their asking prices are fair, maybe closer to $10? It all depends on what someone is willing to pay and those are just asking prices. Also, I have no clue about proof-like fields on non-US coinage. Just have a small interest in mexican coin types.
  7. Pickin and Grinin

    Pickin and Grinin Well-Known Member

    I guess there is no response I only paid 64.00$.
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