Death to the penny!

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by coingeek12, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    I know that there have been many a thread before this one, and there will be many after, on the subject of removing the one cent coin. However, i just wanted to share this very neat little video i saw about the cent.
    So grab you popcorn, pull up a seat, and enjoy!
    Effigy303, medjoy and torontokuba like this.
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  3. cladking

    cladking Coin Collector

    We need pennies to show future generations that we are wasteful and have no common sense whatsoever. Pennies are the symbol of the entire country having jumped the shark.

    How are children supposed to learn anything with no pennies?
  4. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Without pennies, kids will just have to use nickels and learn 5 times as much in each lesson.
  5. doug444

    doug444 STAMPS and POSTCARDS too!

    Why kids are so fat -- they won't bend over to pick up a penny. Even quarters are doubtful. Does anything at McDonald's still cost a quarter? Maybe an extra ketchup?
  6. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    So, if everyone bent over to pick up every penny they see, the obesity problem in this country would be solved?
  7. doug444

    doug444 STAMPS and POSTCARDS too!

    Absolutamente! But in the interests of social justice, the gov must also hire thin people to throw pennies on the ground, otherwise the program is not sustainable.

    The program has not been implemented yet, according to the big thinkers in Washington, because as soon as the picker-uppers have enough pennies, they buy a burger and a Coke. This is, umm, change you can believe in o_O.
  8. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    why do you hate British coins?

    risk_reward, Jwt708 and rzage like this.
  9. doug444

    doug444 STAMPS and POSTCARDS too!

    Do you mean because we call "cents" pennies? This country started with pennies, and the term has persisted over two centuries, even in small-town America. I'll bet that if you stopped folks coming out of a Wal-mart, showed them a Lincoln, and asked them
    what it was, the vast majority would say "a penny."

    Benjamin Franklin did not say, "a cent saved is a cent earned..."
  10. jlogan

    jlogan Well-Known Member

    the cent should be an NIFC. the mint could sell them for $1 per roll and actually make $0.002 on each one. they would eventually disappear from circulation, but collectors will still be able to get current year coins, and they would still be included in mint and proof sets.
  11. robec

    robec Junior Member

    I'm having the toughest time trying to put my British pennies in these darn American wrappers.
    rzage likes this.
  12. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    THAT, would be a great idea.
  13. safepub

    safepub New Member

    We definitely should keep pennies and nickels. Hey, maybe we should bring back the 1/2 penny too! :)
  14. josh's coins

    josh's coins Well-Known Member

    lincolns are boring. They have been around for over a century. Large cents is where its at
    spirityoda likes this.
  15. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    You're right, he didn't, but he didn't actually say "a penny saved is a penny earned" either.
  16. doug444

    doug444 STAMPS and POSTCARDS too!

    The correct quote seems to be "A penny saved is twopence dear," from Poor Richard's Almanack. But hardly anyone today would know what that means. Credit his ghostwriter for an intelligible version.
  17. gijoe76

    gijoe76 A Penny Saved is a Penny earned

    55ddoobv.JPG Lincoln's boring. I like boring
  18. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    And this Lincoln is Doubled Die Boring . Nice one .
    gijoe76 likes this.
  19. 19Lyds

    19Lyds Member of the United States of Confusion

    Excellent points in the video.

    Try buying 1 thing with only 1 common Lincoln Cent.

    Just 1.
  20. Ed Sims

    Ed Sims Well-Known Member

    You can buy a different Lincoln cent with it from the bank.
    gijoe76 and rzage like this.
  21. coingeek12

    coingeek12 Well-Known Member

    Yes sir, looks like that's shows that we should keep the penny, case closed, we are keeping the penny till it can buy NOTHING not even another penny.....
    rickmp likes this.
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