Dead Monarchs and the Euro

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by ericl, Apr 6, 2005.

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  1. ericl

    ericl Senior Member

    As you know, the Pope is dead. As maybe you didn't, Prince Rainier III of Monaco also has just passed on.

    Both Monaco and the Vatican issue euro coins that are rare and extremely expensive.

    There's going to be the first major change in design for euro coins: the 1E and 2E coins for Monaco and the whole schmeer for the Vatican.

    The "old" coins are going to be extremely expensive to get for the time being, although the Vatican has been given a 300,000E extra mintage, which means almost nothing as UNC and PROOF sets are going to sold only to subscribers and they stopped taking new ones in '02.

    If you want a pontifical souvenier, get a lira denominated coin. They're plentiful and still quite cheap.
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  3. KLJ

    KLJ Really Smart Guy

    And the next time this occurs could very well be the next Pope, who is liable to be well into his 70s. All the other monarchs of Europe are either relatively young or in robust health for their age. The oldest that I know of now is Queen Elizabeth II (she'll be 79 this year), but she's in good shape, and the women on both paternal and maternal sides of her family have a habit of living long lives.
  4. crystalk64

    crystalk64 Knight of the Coin Table

    You think Vatican coins are expensive now? Just wait until next year with the first year of issue of a new Pope! Katy bar the doors! Thankfully there are 3 subscriptions in my immediate family as we LOCKED in before the Vatican froze their memberships in 2002! Could get interesting!
  5. JBK

    JBK Coin Collector

    Share the wealth or we will turn you in. Those Swiss guards at the Vatican will work you over with one of those big spikey things they carry.

    I am in a huge dilemna, since I will be returning to the US in a few months, and I want to see if I can change my address so I don't lose my account.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    You both may be in for a surprise. It would not surprise me one bit for the Vatican to just wipe out all previous coin subscriptions upon the election of a new Pontiff :eek: :eek:

    It would be quite typical for the Vatican. Upon the death of a Pope, EVERYBODY in the Vatican loses their present job. Some may retain them or be assigned new jobs. But typically the new Pope hires all new people and institutes his own new set of rules.

    Something to think about ;)
  7. KLJ

    KLJ Really Smart Guy

    They're called pikes. They're actually quite an effective weapon. The bayonet is a descendant of them.
  8. crystalk64

    crystalk64 Knight of the Coin Table

    GDJMSP!!! Shame on you for spreading such terror!!! THAT list MUST remained LOCKED to protect their ourstanding bunch of world collectors! Now I would appreciate it if YOU didn't send any emails off to the Vatican as they are very busy right now so WE don't want you to disturb them in any way! Try to concentrate on the storage capabilities you have in Indiana as you are not putting near enough time in to that endeavor!
  9. Spider

    Spider ~

    i saw some of the prices for the vatican euros!!!!!!!!!WOW
  10. Jens

    Jens New Member

    I wouldn't count on the prices for the Vatican Euros to stay that high. At the moment there are a lot of new collectors who began with the introduction of the Euro and collect Euro coins. Wait ten years for the Euro Mania to stop if you want them and i'm quite certain the prices will be significantly lower (except perhaps for the very first issues)
  11. antidote

    antidote New Member

    You people keep out of the european coin market!!! And I in return promise not to start collecting US or Canadian $ or Pesos. [​IMG]
  12. GDJMSP

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Hmmmm - European coins are what I mainly collect though ;)
  13. crystalk64

    crystalk64 Knight of the Coin Table

    Nope! We are in the Euro to stay! If you want to trade some old euro silver commemoratives for some outstanding dead Presidents feel free to email any time! Of course we are more than willing to come up with other North American items to trade as well! Actually, to my limited knowledge, I have all the silver euro commemoratives to date from Germany! I jumped on board in 2002 simply because there was no catching up to do! I got to start the same time as the rest of the world! Of course, now I am behind but still enjoying the hunt!
  14. antidote

    antidote New Member

    Okay, enjoy the Euro while it's still around ;-)
  15. crystalk64

    crystalk64 Knight of the Coin Table

    Oh, so there are those who think the Euro may be a sinking ship? Just curious as we get many preceptions over here and like it or not we must decide which news cast is actually telling the truth or telling it like they see it. I do know it must be hard for many of the European nations to give up their identity and understand many of the elders didn't want the euro? Guess we could be dealing with a limited issue of coins and don't even know it yet?
  16. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    Let's put it this way: How much sense does a common currency make if EUrope is further away from "converging" than ever before? Sure, today Mr Blair said in the European Parliament (the UK has the EU Presidency between July and December) that turning the European Union into a mere trade zone is not what he wants. But the big question is, is the EU and specifically Euroland willing to further harmonize its economic policy (policies)? Currently it does not look like it at all.

    On the other hand, would replacing the euro with country specific currencies help solving the problems that some member states have? In my opinion, the EU and also the euro are used as convenient scapegoats by both certain national politicians and by some citizens who are rightfully concerned about the effects of globalization but simply blame the EU for it. It would just be interesting to see what the Mark or Lira nostalgics in Germany and Italy would say if prices in those countries rose due to the introduction of new country specific cash ;-)

  17. satootoko

    satootoko Retired

    Okay guys, the thread has drifted from Euro Coins to Euro policy. If you want to continue the discussion, take it up in the General Discussion Forum.
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