CTF Giveaway arrived!

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by Dimedude2, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    I was fortunate to be a winner of a CTF Giveaway, and the coins arrived this morning. These are awesome, and since the Mercury Dime is my favorite coin, it was wonderful to see one arrive! Many thanks to Randy for his generosity, and LordMac for leading this.

    also, I look forward to research and learn more about this Byzantine Gospels coin.
    again, thank you!
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    SHWINGIN9 New Member

    I have a 1966 Jefferson nickle I need help
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  4. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    What do you need help with? You need to start your own thread with Pics of the coin in question. Start in the correct forum ( Errors, What's it worth etc...).
    Welcome to CoinTalk! :)
    paddyman98 likes this.
  5. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    NO.. Never the What's it worth forum! :hilarious:

    Many times, new collectors post there thinking they have a valuable mint error and usually it's just a damaged coin.
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  6. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Maybe we can petition to change it to "What's it Not Worth". ray-liotta-laughing.gif
  7. nerosmyfavorite68

    nerosmyfavorite68 Well-Known Member

    Per dimedude2 and the Class B, post a question in the ancients section, or post one at Numisforums, which specializes in ancients, and you'll get even more.

    Oh, and on youtube look up 'Classical Numismatics'. I think he might have done a video on the anonymous folles. He did a recent video on Byzantine coins in general.

    It's certainly a nice freebie. I think I might only have one or two Class B's. The type isn't rare, but I haven't really collected the anonymous types until recently.
    Eric Babula likes this.
  8. Dimedude2

    Dimedude2 Member

    Hold on - I just want to do historical research on the Byzantine coin, and just sharing and thanking for the package. I care more about learning than the value.
  9. nerosmyfavorite68

    nerosmyfavorite68 Well-Known Member

    Indeed. The Totalus Rankium podcasts extend to the Byzantine era. They have a podcast about Romanus III.

    I don't think one will be able to tell the undertype from this coin but another point of interest and learning is what it's overstruck on.

    The youtube Classical Numismatics video also has a good overview of Byzantine coins. Both are an excellent way to learn.
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