Featured Counterfeit Gold Eagles w/pics of core taken out.

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Bedford, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Bedford

    Bedford Lackey For Coin Junkies

    This info comes from one of my bullion suppliers.

    At first glance the American Gold Eagle looked fine. Its color, weight, density and feel were all correct. It measured 32.70 (mm) Diameter and 2.87 (mm) Thickness, matching that of a genuine Eagle.
    unnamed (1).jpg unnamed (2).jpg

    Upon placing the Eagle on a flat surface the reverse has a slight teeter much like a bent coin. The reverse contains a slight "High Relief" which creates the teeter. The second variance is the sound. If the coin is dropped onto the surface it resonates with a hollow ping sound versus a genuine Eagle with us a duller and fuller ring.

    When heat is placed to the surface it has a pop sound and the center of the coin becomes exposed.
    unnamed (3).jpg
    This center is loose enough to fall out on its own accord.

    The picture above shows the the melted reverse of the coin which literally "snaps" into place.

    The picture below shows the tungsten core which drops into the gold shell.
    unnamed (5).jpg
    The surface of the coin tested correct with an electronic tester used to test jewelry. It also passed a simple nitric test on the surface and even a more complex specific gravity test.


    There are testing machines out there to detect this I have been shown.
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  3. rooman9

    rooman9 Lovin Shiny Things

    That's a good counterfeit. Any idea where it came from?
  4. longnine009

    longnine009 Darwin has to eat too. Supporter

    Was there a seam?
  5. john59

    john59 Well-Known Member

    If the coin tested correct on the 3 most used test this is very dangerous one
    Ancientnoob and swamp yankee like this.
  6. Blissskr

    Blissskr Well-Known Member

    No pictures were taken of the shell or showing how the coin fit together?
    swamp yankee and NOS like this.
  7. john59

    john59 Well-Known Member

    Careful what you say the Chinese are watching,Remember the lost Dutchman post we still know it's not fake
    swamp yankee likes this.
  8. Bedford

    Bedford Lackey For Coin Junkies

    I'm not sure if any were taken .None were shared with me of the shell side.
  9. gxseries

    gxseries Coin Collector

    Honestly... WOW.

    Thanks for sharing. A good wakeup call.
    swamp yankee likes this.
  10. Hommer

    Hommer Curator of Semi Precious Coinage

    Is this an original coin that has been altered like the two tailed half? If so the trapped air when pressing the halves together explans the bulging details as they would be cut extremely thin.
    swamp yankee likes this.
  11. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Ugh. It was comforting to think "yeah, someone could do this, but it's so difficult that it's not worth it." If someone has found a way to make it practical, this is very, very bad. Something to drive people back toward small fractionals (which would be harder to forge with a substantial tungsten core)?
    swamp yankee likes this.
  12. miedbe7

    miedbe7 Wayward Collector

    One of these things is not like the others ... One of these things just doesn't belong (or however it goes) ... ;)

    Image from APMEX (educational use invoked)
    swamp yankee likes this.
  13. john59

    john59 Well-Known Member

    This is just a big lie to fool you don't take it to serous WE SEAN POST LIKE THIS BEFORE
    swamp yankee likes this.
  14. john59

    john59 Well-Known Member

    swamp yankee likes this.
  15. serafino

    serafino Well-Known Member

    In this high tech world faking a coin is not too much of a challenge if there is enough money in it.
    My guess is China or one of the Eastern Block countries.
    swamp yankee likes this.
  16. davidh

    davidh soloist gnomic

    sprag likes this.
  17. rzage

    rzage What Goes Around Comes Around .

    That's why you should only buy PMs from people you can trust .
  18. ron_c

    ron_c Well-Known Member

    "Here's a coin tester that seems kind of iffy to me, but maybe it does really work."

    This is so funny, all I heard for both coins were the thud sound, no, so called, ringing. Dawned on me, I wasn't wearing my hearing aids. After putting them on, I could hear the ringing then. Too much loud Rock and gun fire over the years. :happy:
    Mrs. C. Gray likes this.
  19. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    But I've never posted like this before.... oh, wait, you mean "SEEN". Oops, my bad.

    Seriously though, just because the other thread turned, and arguably was from the start, unfortunate, this certainly does not mean this one should be taken at anything less than face value. This gentleman has shared something that at the very least should be food for thought. While I too would have liked to see more info, what has been shown is more than sufficient to take this seriously.
    Treashunt likes this.
  20. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Buy from the goobers, Boys. Exorbitant pricing, yeah, but it's the real deal......
    miedbe7 likes this.
  21. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    rzage likes this.
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