construction find

Discussion in 'Coin Chat' started by silentnviolent, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. buddy16cat

    buddy16cat Well-Known Member

    They don't really consider that one part of the set, more of something extra ordinary, like the 1894-S Barber dime. Interesting find, I never found one of those.
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  3. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member


    Here's an image of the variety date. Notice the zeros are more elongated almond shaped, there's not a lot of crud around the date or in the digits,so I'D should be easy after soaking. Look for the doubling on the 1 &9 , as well as the shapes of zeros. Other 1900 ' s the zeros are more O shaped .
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2015
  4. bear32211

    bear32211 Always Learning

    Nice, get a metal detector ?
  5. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    Why? So you can drive yourself nuts with a hit on every nail in an 76 plus year house?
    mlov43, silentnviolent and Paul M. like this.
  6. TX15FX4

    TX15FX4 Active Member

    Please post a pic of the coin after the cleaning.
  7. Byron L Reed

    Byron L Reed Junior Member

    Great. I've been working on a 1901 church building for about three years and have only managed two find a very modern 28¢ - and I think I may have dropped the quarter myself.
    silentnviolent and gronnh20 like this.
  8. silentnviolent

    silentnviolent accumulator--selling--make an offer I can't refuse

    I think I'll soak it again, but here's after attempt #1

    WP_20150804_03_02_57_Pro.jpg WP_20150804_03_03_11_Pro.jpg
    green18 and TX15FX4 like this.
  9. bear32211

    bear32211 Always Learning

    Could soaking be done in water and a little liquid soap ?
    silentnviolent likes this.
  10. silentnviolent

    silentnviolent accumulator--selling--make an offer I can't refuse

    I want to say that I read somewhere about soap leaving some kind of residue behind. Good question though. Maybe I'm misremembering.
  11. frech001

    frech001 New but Old

    Another "construction" find.
    I found this 1887 Indian Head Cent while helping my father dig footings for an addition to our home when I was 10. We had just started digging in the drip line of an old porch on an old house that my father was remodeling for us to live in. The house was located at the bottom of a hill and still had an outhouse and several small buildings as it had been originally a farm house dating back to the late 1800s. Back when the house was built, it was on the edge of town. When I was 10 (1958) the area was all built up. While we were working, an elderly neighbor came over to watch and we gave him a lawn chair as he walked with a cane from an old WWI injury. When I found the old green IHC he asked to see it. It was quite concaved and green from weather. He spit on it to remove some of the soil (I've never attempted to clean it any further). The old neighbor told me he thought it had landed on the roof of the house years ago when a Circus show was in town and they had a lady sharp shooter shooting pennies out of the air when thrown up several at a time. The elderly neighbor said he was still a young man and remembered that it was before the war. I asked if maybe it was Annie Oakley, but he didn't remember. He unfortunately died a few weeks later and I never did find out anymore about this coin. I did check the archives for the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show and they were in our town in 1909. However, Annie Oakley was at that time touring with the "Young Buffalo Show". So, I'm not positive of the date or shooter. However, it is a small piece of extra history in my collection. The edge picture shows that it was distorted consistent with a 22 short that was Annie Oakley's favorite target rifle.

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    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015
    gronnh20 likes this.

    HOLLYWOOD Active Member

    Au 50 $65 through Ms 60 $90
  13. silentnviolent

    silentnviolent accumulator--selling--make an offer I can't refuse

    I am confusion now
    Paddy54 likes this.
  14. silentnviolent

    silentnviolent accumulator--selling--make an offer I can't refuse

    Cool find. Neat story to go along with it too.
  15. Paddy54

    Paddy54 Well-Known Member

    No soap and water pat dry or air dry
  16. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    silentnviolent likes this.
  17. Paul M.

    Paul M. Well-Known Member

    Nice results after the soak. It's starting to look quite a bit better! Another, longer soak will probably take a little more gunk off. I'm thinking the spots on the reverse are mostly crud, and I like that those two circular marks on the portrait lightened up a bit. I'd definitely give it another shot. :)
    silentnviolent likes this.
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