WTS: Columbian Exposition So Called Dollars and British Token

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by bqcoins, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    Tower Bridge of London opening Pewter? medal, holed for wear June 1894 - $110 OBO
    5 so called dollars from the Columbian exposition

    HK167 (exposition layout obv, the Santa Maria rev) $40 OBO -SOLD
    HK169 (columbus landing obv, facts about chicago rev) $50 OBO
    HK239 (columbus standing obv, landing celebration and main building rev) $50 OBO
    Unlisted so called dollar Goodyear Welt $45 OBO
    Unlised so called dollar 5 buildings obverse, facts about "new metal" aluminum reverse $50 OBO -SOLD IMGP3573.JPG IMGP3574.JPG IMGP3576.JPG IMGP3577.JPG IMGP3578.JPG IMGP3579.JPG IMGP3580.JPG IMGP3581.JPG IMGP3582.JPG IMGP3585.JPG
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016

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