Coinstar reject bin finds

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by Car10, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. kaosleeroy108

    kaosleeroy108 The Mahayana Tea Shop & hobby center

    some one shove a ike dollar in mine i got 1 74 ike outta it nothing else
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  3. lucyray

    lucyray Ariel -n- Tango

    Someone tell do-do here what is a coinstar machine, exactly? I saw one in my local grocery store the other day, for the first time (it's newly there) and as I passed by it to take a peek, it had a place for .. card? or something? No words of help on it in order for me to know what exactly it is and what it does, exactly?

    Ding dong...

    Lucy :( (I'm only backward in some things..) but hey, on a bright note, my bank gave me a presidential dollar the other day (Grant) ... they get a roll at a time, they hate them (so says the teller), and one must absolutely ask for them. Teller told me businesses HATE them...
  4. DionHurst

    DionHurst Member

    Looked at a COinstar in walmart but the reject bin is open and right up front!!! Don't think I will find rejects in this one!!!
  5. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    that's always been my experience too. The reject bin is right there and obvious and at the eye level of little kids. Today I was searching the TCF Bank coin machine and found two game tokens and four pennies, including a 1942. It's nothing big but enough to motivate me to keep checking.
  6. DionHurst

    DionHurst Member

    I guess I haven't seen them in a while. The last time I saw one it was just about chest high and circular. This one was taller than me and square. The old one had the bin in back if not mistaken.
  7. DionHurst

    DionHurst Member

    Well I checked the other 2 other units in my area. One empty and the other with $0.70 with a 1962 & 1958 Dime.

    I will keep checking the one I found something in. Its reject bin is a little different and it's called a coin master or something.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. bradarv90

    bradarv90 Member

    All I've found was 2006 cent.
  9. cj415

    cj415 Member

    Is this wrong of me?

    Today I was walking past a CoinMaster (Safeway's version of the Coinstar) and there was an older gentleman (late 70's, early 80's) dumping a large bucket of coins into the machine. I went up and chatted to him and to get a better look in his bucket. Nothing jumped out at me right away, but as I was standing there, I was hearing coins him the reject slot.

    I shopped for about 10 more minutes and he was still dumping away. Now for the "wrong" part. When he was done, I ran over to the machine to see what was left behind. He must have cleaned the bin out because all that was left was a couple of Canadian coins (newer, a very bent dime, and a token).

    It felt kind of weird just hovering and waiting. Maybe I would feel differently if it was loaded with sliver.
  10. DionHurst

    DionHurst Member

    You could have offered him more than face for any silver and you & he both would have been pleased with the transaction.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. TheNoost

    TheNoost huldufolk

    If you hover, sometimes they get in a hurry and forget to check the reject slot before leaving.
  12. SWThirteen

    SWThirteen Needs a 24/7 Coin Shop

    No problems in my eyes. If they are using a coinstar and paying the fees instead of going to a bank with a free counter then they are losing money anyway.
  13. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    53 cents, 2 dimes, 2 washers, and one token.
  14. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Most banks now have a coin sorter there also good to check out to!
  15. Archetypus

    Archetypus New Member

    My bank used to give me funny looks when I did that every time I walked in there, but they are used to it now. Never found anything too great there. I think a few wheats, a carwash token, and one of those pennies in the middle of a big aluminum token that says "keep me and you'll never be broke".

    Oh and a slimy tootsie roll that I think some kid must have put in there after they decided they didn't like it.
  16. thecoinlover

    thecoinlover Active Member

    Sorry dude, it was sitting out for two years! I just couldn't eat it!
  17. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

    I once found a euro in the bin! :)
  18. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    I sure wish I could find some in the RTP, NC area. None of the banks I visit locally have one, and I've never been in a branch of my main bank that had one.
  19. Taylor101

    Taylor101 New Member

    I have never seen a "coin sorter" at the bank! :(
  20. DionHurst

    DionHurst Member

    Just checkout to see if you have some near you!!!

    That's what I did!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. jensenbay

    jensenbay Well-Known Member

    Checked another one today... one Canada cent, one 1941 wheat cent, and a flattened Alabama quarter.
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