Coins sold to me as Real in the Pompeii excavation site gift shop, inside the site

Discussion in 'What's it Worth' started by Corrosive, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Corrosive

    Corrosive Member

    I went to Pompeii a while back and they sold these coins that they say, and this is the shop inside the archaeological excavatiohn sight, that they are real coins being sold for further excavations. Are they real? Does anyone have any information on them? Thanks in advance.
    EE8C17DC-4980-4C0E-BE10-7E6772E918FC.jpeg 3F0F1202-0742-447B-BBDC-51F86ECBC2F2.jpeg
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  3. frankjg

    frankjg Well-Known Member

    Can you repost this in the ancients forum?

    Also we will need pictures of the obverse, reverse, and edge. Take them from overhead of the coin and not on an angle.

  4. Corrosive

    Corrosive Member

    I am new, not sure how to repost. I do have better pictures. Also, this is the front and back of the two coins I kept for myself.
    5EB251D3-3C67-4CCA-8EE7-B00110353751.jpeg 6D53425E-D0BF-46B2-A670-0EC92432AFDB.jpeg 9843513D-DBDB-42D3-9D15-BB5C48DF992D.jpeg EBBB3CC1-A479-4B0F-BDCC-A5AC1CB8A65E.jpeg
  5. frankjg

    frankjg Well-Known Member


    Any chance you can measure the diameter and weigh them as well?

    I’ve been in that gift shop but didn’t see coins. Did they claim they were from the excavation site?
  6. Corrosive

    Corrosive Member

  7. frankjg

    frankjg Well-Known Member

    I see you have also posted in the ancient forum in the Pompeii thread. You should get some answers there.
  8. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan Eclectic & Eccentric Moderator

    Sorry, but they're tourist fakes, as was mentioned in the other thread.

    Pretty blatant fakes, too, with those filed edges.

    Chalk 'em up as (hopefully cheap) souvenirs and consider it part of your numismatic education. It's a milestone we've all had to pass.

    (Off, topic, I must say that that Formica countertop or whatever surface you photographed those things on is handsome, with those little gold flecks.)
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